
Blog posts October 2020

ATSG Delivers Boeing 767 Freighter to Astral Aviation of Kenya

WILMINGTON, Ohio -Friday 30 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATSG) announced the delivery by its Cargo Aircraft Management subsidiary of a Boeing 767-200 converted freighter to Astral Aviation of Kenya under a five-year lease. This is the first aircraft ATSG has leased to Astral, as well as the first Boeing 767 that Astral has put into service.

“We are pleased to introduce the B767 freighter into our fleet,” said Sanjeev Gadhia, chief executive officer of Astral. “This aircraft will allow us to better serve the needs of our customers throughout our intra-African and Middle East networks, and ATSG’s support and assistance has been indispensable. Establishing a partnership with the world’s largest lessor of 767’s is something we have been after for some time now. I view this as the start to something special for Astral and all of sub-Saharan Africa.”

Astral currently provides scheduled and charter cargo service to more than 50 destinations in Africa and Europe, with its fleet of Boeing 747, Boeing 727, McDonnell Douglas DC-9, BAE ATP, Fokker 50 and Fokker 27 freighters operating out of bases in Nairobi and Liege.

Mike Berger, chief commercial officer of ATSG, said, “ATSG welcomes the opportunity to help Astral broaden its service offerings by delivering its first 767 aircraft, and we look forward to more opportunities to expand our relationship in the future with Sanjeev and his team.”

About Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (ATSG)

ATSG is a leading provider of aircraft leasing and air cargo transportation and related services to domestic and foreign air carriers and other companies that outsource their air cargo lift requirements. ATSG, through its leasing and airline subsidiaries, is the world's largest owner and operator of converted Boeing 767 freighter aircraft. Through its principal subsidiaries, including three airlines with separate and distinct U.S. FAA Part 121 Air Carrier certificates, ATSG provides aircraft leasing, air cargo lift, passenger ACMI and charter services, aircraft maintenance services and airport ground services. ATSG's subsidiaries include ABX Air, Inc.; Airborne Global Solutions, Inc.; Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Inc., including its subsidiary, Pemco World Air Services, Inc.; Air Transport International, Inc.; Cargo Aircraft Management, Inc.; and Omni Air International, LLC. For more information, please see

About Astral Aviation Ltd

Astral is an all-cargo airline based in Nairobi, Kenya. With a fleet of 14 cargo aircraft and a network of 50 destinations in Africa and Europe, Astral is the fastest growing cargo airline in Africa. During the Pandemic, Astral operated cargo flights for PPE, ventilators, and test kits to 42 countries in Africa and will play an important part in the distribution of the Covid vaccine to and within Africa. For more information, please see

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Quint O. Turner,
ATSG Inc. Chief Financial Officer

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Cognite s'associe à Accel pour transformer l'industrie et définir une nouvelle catégorie de logiciels industriels

Accel détient une histoire de trois décennies de soutien à des entreprises de technologie de pointe comme Facebook, Slack, Atlassian, DocuSign et UiPath

OSLO, Norvège-Mercredi 28 Octobre 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) - Cognite, un leader mondial de l’innovation en matière de  logiciels industriels, a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir signé un accord de partenariat avec Accel, la société pionnière de capital-risque.

Associé au vaste réseau et à l'expertise d'Accel dans la mise à l'échelle réussie des sociétés de logiciels, ce partenariat permet à Cognite d'accélérer ses initiatives de croissance mondiale dans les secteurs verticaux industriels et d'étendre ses activités de commercialisation et de développement de produits. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Accel obtient un siège au conseil d’administration de Cognite.

"Cognite a prouvé qu'elle est capable de changer la donne dans l'innovation logicielle industrielle", a déclaré Matthew Weigand, Partenaire chez Accel. "Nous aspirons à faire de Cognite une centrale logicielle industrielle mondiale en définissant la nouvelle catégorie de logiciels DataOps au fur et à mesure de sa croissance et de son évolution. Data Ops est une catégorie de logiciels industriels émergente décrite par les analystes de Gartner dans le secteur comme étant un centre de collecte, de contextualisation et d'orchestration de données industrielles", a-t-il ajouté.

Pour sa part  Dr John Markus Lervik, PDG et co-fondateur de Cognite, a déclaré : "La vaste expérience d’Accel dans la mise à l’échelle des meilleures sociétés de logiciels au niveau mondial sert à compléter les connaissances industrielles approfondies apportées par notre actionnaire majoritaire, Aker. Ce partenariat est une confirmation et une validation de la technologie éprouvée de Cognite qui redéfinira la gestion des données industrielles et stimulera la transformation numérique des industries mondiales".

Pourquoi Cognite ?

Selon Accel, les avantages des données et de l'IA ont un potentiel énorme dans un environnement industriel, mais les entreprises industrielles ont du mal à libérer et à donner un sens aux données à travers des sources de données informatiques et opérationnelles disparates. La première étape à entamer pour libérer ce potentiel est représentée par la plateforme DataOps industrielle moderne, comme le produit phare de Cognite, Cognite Data Fusion (CDF).

Cognite Data Fusion numérise actuellement les industries à forte intensité d'actifs à l'échelle mondiale en rendant les données industrielles plus accessibles et plus significatives pour les humains et les machines, permettant aux clients de créer de la valeur grâce à des applications et des solutions basées sur l'IA. CDF est actuellement utilisée par des clients de Cognite dans le monde entier, y compris : BP, Saudi Aramco, Aker BP, ExxonMobil, Hess, Yokogawa, NTT Comware, Alfa Laval, Statnett, Hafslund E-CO, Scatec Solar, Hydro et PGS.

Cognite a été fondée en janvier 2017 et compte 450 employés dans ses bureaux répartis à Oslo, en Norvège, à Houston et à Austin, au Texas, et à Tokyo, au Japon.

À propos d'Accel

Accel est une société mondiale de capital-risque et le premier partenaire des équipes exceptionnelles partout dans le monde, depuis sa création jusqu'à toutes les phases de croissance d'une entreprise privée. Atlassian, Braintree, Cloudera, Crowdstrike, DJI, DocuSign, Dropbox, Etsy, Facebook, Flipkart, Freshworks, Jet, Pillpack, Qualtrics, Slack, Spotify, Supercell, Tenable, UiPath et Venmo font partie des sociétés qu'Accel a soutenues pour plus de 35 ans. Nous aidons les entrepreneurs ambitieux à créer des entreprises mondiales emblématiques. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens électroniques suivants : ou

À propos de Cognite

Cognite est une société industrielle mondiale en matière de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) qui soutient la transformation numérique à grande échelle des industries à forte intensité d'actifs dans le monde entier. Son produit clé, Cognite Data Fusion (CDF), permet aux entreprises de disposer de données informatiques et opérationnelles contextualisées pour piloter des applications industrielles qui renforcent la sécurité, la durabilité et l'efficacité, et génèrent des revenus. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site électronique suivant

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Michelle Holford
Responsable mondial des Relations publiques
+1 512-744-3420 (EU)
+47 48 29 04 54 (Norvège)

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Les Anciens Candidats De Stars Of Science Se Mobilisent Pour Lutter Contre La COVID-19

Les anciens candidats de l'émission de la Fondation du Qatar rejoignent la communauté scientifique internationale dans la lutte contre la pandémie

Doha, Qatar-Mardi 27 Octobre 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

Les anciens candidats de Stars of Science ont rejoint la lutte contre la COVID-19, répondant ainsi à l'appel à l'aide de leurs communautés pour faire face aux défis posés par la pandémie.

« La persévérance est une vertu que Stars of Science a fait valoir auprès de tous ses candidats depuis le lancement de l’émission en 2009 », a déclaré Wadha Al-Adgham, responsable du programme d'éducation du Parc des Sciences et de la technologie du Qatar.

« L'importance d’une résolution efficace des problèmes a été mise en lumière alors que les scientifiques travaillent sans relâche pour aider le monde à faire face à cette crise exceptionnelle. La région et le monde entier peuvent compter sur notre réseau d'anciens candidats comme précieuse ressource, ce sont des innovateurs engagés à rendre à leurs communautés ».

Plusieurs anciens candidats de l'émission de la Fondation du Qatar ont mobilisé leurs talents pour venir en aide au secteur de la santé. En première ligne, Zainab Abosuhail, candidate de la saison 9, risque sa vie tous les jours en travaillant en tant qu’infirmière et en aidant à traiter les patients atteints de la COVID-19.

D'autres anciens candidats ont réfléchi à des solutions pour protéger la vie des professionnels de santé. Dr Mohamad Ziad Chaari, finaliste de la Saison 3, et Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis, finaliste de la Saison 11, ont conçu de multiples innovations, dont une combinaison de protection équipée d'un respirateur pour filtrer l'air. Le finaliste de la saison 3, Mohammed Al-Rifai, et le candidat de la saison 9, Wassim El Hariri, se sont intéressés à la prévention en concevant un bracelet permettant de se désinfecter les mains et un robot désinfectant à la pointe de la technologie.

La communauté des anciens candidats de Stars of Science a également cherché à travailler sur les ressources essentielles en matière de santé. Dr Nour Majbour, finaliste de la saison 10, a remporté un prix de l'innovation de l'université Hamad Bin Khalifa de la Fondation du Qatar pour son travail sur un nouveau kit de test de COVID-19. De nombreux anciens candidats du monde entier ont travaillé sur des ventilateurs mécaniques tandis que certains d'entre eux ont tiré profit du réseau d'anciens candidats de l'émission pour échanger et partager leurs connaissances, comme Amine Mohamed Besbes de la saison 5, Mohamed Farag de la saison 7, Dr Mourad Benosman de la saison 9 et Dr Youssef El Azzouzi de la saison 11.

Les innovateurs de Stars of Science ont également aidé leurs communautés à diffuser des informations précieuses. Majed Lababidi, de la saison 3, a développé une application mobile afin de sensibiliser les diverses communautés du Qatar et accroître la prévention.

Dr. Imadeddine Azzouz, candidat de la saison 11, a créé une application qui met en relation les volontaires avec des établissements dans le besoin, comme les hôpitaux de Paris.

Dr. Mohamed Watfa, candidat de la saison 4, et Anwar Almojarkesh, de la saison 5, ont soutenu leurs communautés en organisant des ateliers pour les enseignants ou en développant des applications pour aider les utilisateurs à combattre le virus.

Rendez-vous ce week-end pour regarder la demi-finale de la Saison 12 sur huit chaînes télévisées, et savoir qui sera sélectionné pour la grande finale et recevra une part des 600 000 dollars pour lancer son projet.

Pour le programme complet de diffusion de la saison 12 de Stars of Science, veuillez visiter


À propos de Stars of Science

Stars of Science, la première émission du monde arabe dédiée à l’innovation, est une initiative de la Fondation du Qatar (QF) qui allie éducation et divertissement. L’émission offre aux innovateurs arabes la possibilité de développer des solutions technologiques qui bénéficient à leurs communautés, à leur santé ou leur mode de vie, et qui contribuent à préserver l'environnement.

Au cours d'un processus de douze semaines, les participants doivent prouver l'efficacité de leurs solutions au sein d’un espace d'innovation partagé, lors d’une course contre la montre et avec l'appui d'une équipe d'ingénieurs et de développeurs produits expérimentés. Un jury d'experts évalue et élimine les candidats chaque semaine lors des étapes de prototypage et de validation. Les quatre derniers finalistes en lice s’affronteront pour remporter une part de 600 000 dollars américains qui leur permettra de financer le lancement de leur projet. La part de chacun sera déterminée en fonction de la note attribuée par le jury et le vote en ligne du public.

Stars of Science sera diffusé tous les vendredis et samedis du 11 septembre 2020 au 6 novembre 2020. Pour le programme complet de diffusion de la Saison 12 de Stars of Science, veuillez visiter


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La Fondation du Qatar - Libérer le potentiel humain

La Fondation du Qatar (Qatar Foundation - QF) pour l'Éducation, la Science et le Développement Communautaire est une organisation privée à but non lucratif, qui soutient le Qatar dans sa transformation vers une économie diversifiée et durable. QF aspire à servir le peuple du Qatar et au-delà en offrant des programmes axés sur l’innovation dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la science et de la recherche et du développement communautaire.

Fondée en 1995 par Son Altesse Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, l’Émir père, et Son Altesse Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, qui partageaient une vision commune, celle d’offrir au Qatar une éducation de qualité. Aujourd’hui, le système éducatif de niveau international de QF offre des possibilités d'apprentissage en continu, dès l'âge de six mois et jusqu'au doctorat, ce qui permet aux diplômés de s'épanouir dans un environnement international et de contribuer au développement de la nation.

QF crée également un centre d'innovation multidisciplinaire au Qatar, où des chercheurs se penchent sur des défis locaux et mondiaux. En encourageant une culture d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie et en favorisant l'engagement social à travers des programmes qui incarnent la culture qatarie, QF s'engage à autonomiser la communauté locale et à contribuer à un monde meilleur pour tous.

Pour la liste complète des initiatives et projets de QF, veuillez visiter :

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Stars of Science Alumni at Forefront of Fight against COVID-19

Qatar Foundation TV show’s innovative alumni join united global scientific community

Doha, Qatar-Tuesday 27 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

Stars of Science alumni have joined the global fight against COVID-19, answering the call to collaborate and help their communities face challenges in the wake of the pandemic.

“Perseverance is a virtue that Stars of Science has emphasized to all of its contestants since the show started in 2009,” said Wadha Al-Adgham, Program Manager of Education at Qatar Science & Technology Park. “The importance of effective problem-solving has been highlighted as scientists work at a furious pace to help the world cope with an unprecedented crisis. The Arab world and beyond can depend on our alumni network as an invaluable resource, with inventors dedicated to giving back to their communities.”

Several alumni from the Qatar Foundation (QF) TV show have used their talents to reinforce the healthcare sector. Frontline employee, Zainab Abosuhail, a Season 9 contestant, puts her life on the line working as a nurse and helping treat coronavirus patients every day.

Others devised ways to protect the lives of healthcare workers. Dr. Mohamad Ziad Chaari, Season 3 alumnus, and Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis, Season 11 finalist, designed multiple innovations including a protective suit equipped with a respirator to purify and filter air. Season 3 finalist Mohammed Al-Rifai and Season 9 contestant Wassim El Hariri focused on prevention and came up with a hand sanitizer wristband and a cutting-edge disinfecting robot.

Former contestants also sought to bolster critical healthcare resources. Dr. Nour Majbour, Season 10 finalist, won an innovation award from QF’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University for her work on a novel COVID-19 testing kit. Many alumni across the world worked on mechanical ventilators and a group of them utilized the show’s alumni network to share knowledge such as Amine Mohamed Besbes from Season 5, Mohamed Farag from Season7, Dr. Mourad Benosman from Season 9, and Dr. Youssef El Azzouzi from Season 11.

Elsewhere, innovators from the Stars of Science network assisted communities in spreading valuable information. Majed Lababidi, Season 3, developed a mobile application to raise awareness and increase prevention among the diverse communities in Qatar. Dr. Imadeddine Azzouz, from Season 11, created an application that connects volunteers with places in need, such as in hospitals across Paris. Dr. Mohamed Watfa, from Season 4, and Anwar Almojarkesh, from Season 5, focused their efforts on community support by hosting workshops for teachers or developing applications to help people fight the virus.

Watch the Season 12 semi-final this weekend across eight channels, tuning in to find out who will secure their place in the Grand Final and grab a share of the $600,000 seed fund.

For the broadcast guide, please visit


About Stars of Science

As the premier innovation show in the Arab world, Stars of Science – the edutainment TV initiative of Qatar Foundation (QF) – empowers Arab innovators to develop technological solutions for their communities, benefitting people’s health and lifestyles, and helping to preserve the environment.

Over a 12-week process, the contestants demonstrate the effectiveness of their solutions in a shared innovation space, competing against time with the support of a team of experienced engineers and product developers. An expert panel of jurors assess and eliminate projects every week across several prototyping and testing rounds, until only four finalists remain to compete for a share of $600,000 in seed funding. Jury deliberation and online voting from the public determine the rankings.

Stars of Science will air every Friday and Saturday from September 11, 2020 till November 6, 2020. Please visit the broadcast guide for channels and timings: 

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Qatar Foundation – Unlocking Human Potential

Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) is a non-profit organization that supports Qatar on its journey to becoming a diversified and sustainable economy. QF strives to serve the people of Qatar and beyond by providing specialized programs across its innovation-focused ecosystem of education, science and research, and community development.

QF was founded in 1995 by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Father Amir, and Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, who shared the vision to provide Qatar with quality education. Today, QF’s world-class education system offers lifelong learning opportunities to community members as young as six months through to doctoral level, enabling graduates to thrive in a global environment and contribute to the nation’s development.

QF is also creating a multidisciplinary innovation hub in Qatar, where homegrown researchers are working to address local and global challenges. By promoting a culture of lifelong learning and fostering social engagement through programs that embody Qatari culture, QF is committed to empowering the local community and contributing to a better world for all.

For a complete list of QF’s initiatives and projects, visit

Weber Shandwick

Maram Alibrahim

+974 3398 8390

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Arm Awarded TSMC OIP Partner of the Year Award for Processor IP for Six Years in a Row

CAMBRIDGE, England-Thursday 22 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Arm today announced that it has been recognized by TSMC as a recipient of the OIP Partner of the Year award for its best-in-class Processor IP for the sixth consecutive year.

"Arm is honored to once again receive the OIP Partner of the Year award for Processor IP from TSMC," said Drew Henry, senior vice president, IPG Strategy and Operations, Arm. "Our close collaboration with TSMC helps our customers and partners design world-class silicon solutions for the tiniest of IoT devices to high-performance cloud data centers.”

“I’m pleased to congratulate Arm as the winner of the 2020 TSMC OIP Partner of the Year award for Processor IP,” said Suk Lee, senior director of Design Infrastructure Management Division at TSMC. “We look forward to our continued partnership to address customers’ design challenges and extend the development of PPA-optimized design platforms for smartphone, HPC, automotive, AI/ML and IoT applications.”

The title of OIP Partner of the Year is awarded to partner companies achieving the highest standards of design, development, and technology implementation to accelerate silicon innovation. Arm is working with TSMC to enable next-generation SoC and 3DIC designs with certified solutions and services using TSMC’s latest technologies.

Additional information is available at the TSMC Press Center.

About Arm

Arm® technology is at the heart of a computing and data revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. Our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs have enabled intelligent computing in 180 billion chips and our technologies now securely power products from the sensor to the smartphone and the supercomputer. In combination with our IoT device, connectivity and data management platform, we are also enabling customers with powerful and actionable business insights that are generating new value from their connected devices and data. Together with 1,000+ technology partners we are at the forefront of designing, securing and managing all areas of compute from the chip to the cloud.

All information is provided "as is" and without warranty or representation. This document may be shared freely, attributed and unmodified. Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries). All brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. © 1995-2020 Arm Group.

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Melissa Scuse

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Aerogen Collaborates on Development of More Than 15 Potential COVID-19 Inhaled Therapies

• Synairgen’s SNG001 among the many potential treatments and vaccines to be delivered via Aerogen’s aerosol drug delivery system

• Adds to the thousands of COVID-19 patients already safely and effectively treated with Aerogen’s Solo aerosol drug delivery system in the intensive care unit 1

• Aerogen technology is featured in guidelines and papers on the treatment of COVID-19 patients across the globe 2,3,4

GALWAY, Ireland-Saturday 24 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Aerogen, the global leader in aerosol drug delivery, today announced details of a broad collaborative effort to support pharmaceutical companies from around the world as they work to develop COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. To date, more than ten million patients globally have been treated safely and effectively with Aerogen’s drug delivery technology 1,5–7. As the global scientific community rallies against the pandemic, there has been unprecedented interest in inhaled delivery of antiviral drugs, leading to Aerogen’s involvement in multiple COVID-19 drug development initiatives with leading pharmaceutical companies and prominent academic groups.

Aerogen’s closed-circuit nebulizer technology, which addresses key concerns around safety and improves patient outcomes5–8, is being used in hospitals across the globe to deliver aerosolized medication to critically-ill ventilated COVID-19 patients1. Aerogen was quick to anticipate the critical role that development of new inhaled drugs will ultimately play in the COVID-19 response, and in March of this year formed a COVID response unit to support projects researching potential treatments and vaccines. This response unit is now working with pharmaceutical companies worldwide to ensure safe delivery of inhaled therapies. Several of these collaborations are already in clinical trials, with others on track to enter studies on moderately and severely ill COVID-19 patients over the weeks and months ahead.

In one such collaboration, Aerogen has signed an agreement with Synairgen plc, a Southampton, UK-based biotechnology company, to provide the market-leading Aerogen® Solo/Ultra nebulizer system for delivery of SNG001 directly into the lungs of COVID-19 patients. SNG001 is an inhaled interferon beta that stimulates the innate immune system. Initial investigation of SNG001 as a potential COVID-19 treatment has been promising – hospitalized patients receiving SNG001 were at reduced risk of developing severe disease and more than twice as likely to recover to the ‘no limitation of activities’ level on the ordinal scale over the course of treatment9,10.

“Aerogen is a highly regarded global company known for providing safe and effective aerosol drug delivery,” said Richard Marsden, CEO of Synairgen. “Ensuring that SGN001 is paired with optimal delivery technology is a vital component of our work to bring this potential treatment to market at scale. Aerogen is our choice because of its proven reputation for drug delivery efficiency and reliability, suitability for use with a wide range of ventilatory support modalities, established high-volume manufacturing and prior regulatory approvals across the globe.”

“In the early days of the pandemic, hospitals were discouraged from using any type of aerosol for COVID-19 treatment – which is understandable given the nature of the virus,” said John Power, CEO and Founder of Aerogen. “Now, it’s clear to health systems worldwide that aerosol drug delivery can be done with improved safety but is an absolute necessity for managing this global crisis. COVID-19 has only reinforced the important role Aerogen plays in safely and effectively delivering treatments to patients across the world, and we’re proud to work with innovators like Synairgen as part of the research and development process for potential COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.”

The Aerogen Solo is a closed-system, single patient use (vibrating mesh) aerosol drug delivery technology offering superior performance across all hospital ventilation modalities5–7,11. Designed for the safety of both the patient and the caregiver, Aerogen’s closed-circuit design enables the only global aerosol drug delivery system which mitigates the transmission of patient-generated infectious aerosol during ventilation12,13. Aerogen is committed to working with pharmaceutical companies worldwide to meet the current global demand for inhaled delivery of antiviral drugs and offers industry-leading expertise and technology in combination with a proven track record in the development of inhalation therapeutics. For more information on Aerogen’s products, please visit

For more information on Aerogen’s role in the fight against COVID-19,

About Aerogen

Aerogen is the world’s leading medical device company specializing in the design, manufacture and commercialization of aerosol drug delivery systems. Aerogen’s patented vibrating mesh technology turns liquid medication into a fine particle mist, gently and effectively delivering drugs to the lungs of patients11,14,15. Aerogen’s innovative products, such as the Aerogen® Solo and Aerogen® Ultra, significantly improve aerosol drug delivery resulting in better patient care throughout the Hospital across all ages5–8,16. Founded in Galway, Ireland in 1997, Aerogen has grown to become the global leader in high performance aerosol drug delivery and has partnered its technology with the leading mechanical ventilation companies1. Aerogen technology is used by millions of patients and caregivers in over 75 countries worldwide1.

Aerogen Internal data on file, Aug 2020.
Ari A. Practical strategies for a safe and effective delivery of aerosolized medications to patients with COVID-19. Respir. Med. 2020; 167. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2020.105987.
Respiratory care committee of Chinese Thoracic Society. [Expert consensus on preventing nosocomial transmission during respiratory care for critically ill patients infected by 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia]. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi 2020; 17: E020.
Cinesi Gómez C, Peñuelas Rodríguez Ó, Luján Torné M, Egea Santaolalla C, Masa Jiménez JF, García Fernández J et al. Clinical consensus recommendations regarding non-invasive respiratory support in the adult patient with acute respiratory failure secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Med Intensiva (English Ed 2020; 44: 429–438.
Avdeev S, Nuraieva G, Soe AK, Fink JB. Comparison of response to aerosol drug delivery with mesh and jet nebulizers during non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in acute exacerbation of COPD. Poster ERS 2017; 50: PA1894.
Reminiac F, Vecellio L, Bodet-Contentin L, Gissot V, Le Pennec D, Salmon Gandonniere C et al. Nasal high-flow bronchodilator nebulization: a randomized cross-over study. Ann Intensive Care 2018; 8: 128.
Dunne RB, Shortt S. Comparison of bronchodilator administration with vibrating mesh nebulizer and standard jet nebulizer in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med 2018; 4: 641–646.
Moody GB, Luckett PM, Shockley CM, Huang R, Ari A. Clinical Efficacy of Vibrating Mesh and Jet Nebulizers With Different Interfaces in Pediatric Subjects With Asthma. Respir Care 2020; : respcare.07538.
Synairgen plc. Synairgen announces positive results from trial of SNG001 in hospitalised COVID-19 patients. Press release,
Synairgen Plc. Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2020. Press release,
Dugernier J, Reychler G, Wittebole X, Roeseler J, Depoortere V, Sottiaux T et al. Aerosol delivery with two ventilation modes during mechanical ventilation: a randomized study. Ann Intensive Care 2016; 6: 73.
O’Toole C, McGrath JA, Joyce M, Bennett G, Byrne MA, MacLoughlin R. Fugitive Aerosol Therapy Emissions during Mechanical Ventilation: In Vitro Assessment of the Effect of Tidal Volume and Use of Protective Filters. Aerosol Air Qual Res 2020; 20. doi:10.4209/aaqr.2020.04.0176.
Aerogen Solo System Instruction Manual. Aerogen Ltd. P/N 30-354, Part No. AG-AS3050.
Dugernier J, Hesse M, Vanbever R, Depoortere V, Roeseler J, Michotte JB et al. SPECT-CT Comparison of Lung Deposition using a System combining a Vibrating-mesh Nebulizer with a Valved Holding Chamber and a Conventional Jet Nebulizer: a Randomized Cross-over Study. Pharm Res 2017; 34: 290–300.
Dugernier J, Hesse M, Jumetz T, Bialais E, Roeseler J, Depoortere V et al. Aerosol Delivery with Two Nebulizers Through High-Flow Nasal Cannula: A Randomized Cross-Over Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography-Computed Tomography Study. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv 2017; 30: 349–358.
Cantu T, Jenkins L. Quality Improvement Project to Compare Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer Therapy With Hour Long Jet Nebulizer Therapy for Albuterol Delivery in Asthma and Reactive Airway Disorder Patients in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Respir Care 2019; 64.
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For further information, please contact:
Ciara Power
Global Customer Marketing Manager, Aerogen
Tel: +353 91 540237

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Schlumberger Announces Third-Quarter 2020 Results

• Worldwide revenue of $5.3 billion decreased 2% sequentially
• International revenue of $4.1 billion decreased 1% sequentially
• North America revenue of $1.2 billion decreased 2% sequentially
• GAAP loss per share, including charges and credits of $0.22 per share, was $0.06
• EPS, excluding charges and credits, was $0.16
• Cash flow from operations was $479 million and free cash flow was $226 million
• Board approved quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share
HOUSTON-Wednesday 21 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]
(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Schlumberger Limited (NYSE: SLB) today reported results for the third quarter of 2020.
Third-Quarter Results
(Stated in millions, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Income (loss) before taxes - GAAP basis
Adjusted EBITDA*
Adjusted EBITDA margin*
371 bps
-140 bps
Pretax segment operating income*
Pretax segment operating margin*
355 bps
-190 bps
Net income (loss) - GAAP basis
Net income, excluding charges & credits*
Diluted EPS (loss per share) - GAAP basis
Diluted EPS, excluding charges & credits*
North America revenue
International revenue
*These are non-GAAP financial measures. See sections titled "Charges & Credits", "Segments", and "Supplemental Information" for details.
n/m = not meaningful
Schlumberger CEO Olivier Le Peuch commented, “Our results in the third quarter clearly demonstrate our focus on execution, returns, and customer performance. Margins expanded sequentially while pretax segment operating income and adjusted EBITDA grew 45% and 21%, respectively, highlighting notable progress in the reset of our earnings power and further demonstrating our execution capabilities as we transition to our new organization.
“Through this cycle, we are leading technology innovation for our customers and reinventing ourselves to deliver a return above our cost of capital through the combination of capital stewardship, margin expansion, and free cash flow generation.
“In North America, we have exhibited capital discipline, and are high-grading and rationalizing our portfolio, with a focus on reduced volatility of earnings and less capital-intensive businesses as demonstrated by two key milestones we achieved during the quarter. The first is the agreement to combine our OneStim® pressure pumping business with Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. The second is an agreement to divest our low-flow artificial lift business in a cash transaction.
“Internationally, our fit-for-basin approach continues to extend our leadership position built on the largest and most diverse footprint in the industry. Despite the rig count decline during the quarter, we have experienced significant new technology uptake, achieved new performance benchmarks for our customers, and captured higher performance incentives on multiple projects. In addition, our international business continues to generate resilient, accretive margins and significant free cash flow. Upon the close of the two North America transactions, we expect our international revenue to represent more than 80% of consolidated revenue, up from an average of approximately 65% over the past decade. The combination of our fit-for-basin strategy, digital technology innovation, and scale puts us in the best position to leverage the anticipated shift of spending growth toward the international market.
“Third-quarter revenue declined 2% sequentially, as North America revenue was 2% lower and international revenue declined 1%. In North America land, increased completions activity on drilled but uncompleted (DUC) wells was offset by reduced drilling in US land. North America offshore was affected by reduced rig activity, lower multiclient seismic license sales, and hurricane disruption.
“International revenue was driven by higher activity in Latin America, boosted by the resumption of production in our Asset Performance Solutions (APS) projects in Ecuador and increased seasonal summer activity in the North Sea and Russia. These increases were offset by the effects of rig count declines and extended COVID-19 disruptions in Africa and in the Middle East & Asia.
Third-Quarter Revenue by Segment
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Reservoir Characterization
n/m = not meaningful
Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.
“Sequentially, by business segment, third-quarter Production revenue increased 12%, driven by the gradual recovery in DUC well completions activity in US land and the resumption of APS production in Ecuador, which was further boosted by digital technology, improving project performance and efficiency. Reservoir Characterization, Drilling, and Cameron decreased 4%, 12%, and 5%, respectively, due to lower WesternGeco® multiclient seismic license sales, the US land drilling activity decline, hurricane disruption in the US Gulf of Mexico, and persistent COVID-19 disruptions internationally.
“Our cost-reduction program, which will permanently remove $1.5 billion of structural costs on an annual basis, is progressing well. We expect to realize the vast majority of these savings as we exit this year. This represents a critical step toward our intermediate goal of restoring 2019 adjusted EBITDA margins before the end of 2021.
“I am extremely proud of our operational and financial performance during the quarter, as we continue to build the foundation of our future success.
“As we look to the fourth quarter, we expect to continue to benefit from the effectiveness of our strategy, disciplined approach to North America, and broad strength of our international business, as reflected in our third-quarter results. In North America, the conditions are set for continued momentum, with improving DUC well completion activity in US land and a modest drilling resumption in the US and Canada. International activity is steady following the budget resets completed in the third quarter and activity will be affected by the seasonal decline in the Northern Hemisphere, partly offset by muted year-end product and multiclient license sales.
“Overall internationally, we view the next two quarters as a period of transition for our industry at the trough of this cycle. Improving demand recovery supported by various government measures to stimulate economic activity and continued supply discipline from the major producers set the conditions for a long-term activity rebound. However, while the global lockdowns are evolving and vaccine development is progressing, the near-term recovery remains fragile owing to potential subsequent waves of COVID-19 that could pose a significant risk to this outlook.
“Therefore, in this flattening near-term activity outlook, we will continue to execute on a path toward restoring our 2019 adjusted EBITDA margins and generating robust free cash flow—through our restructuring measures, the high-grading of our portfolio, and the further strengthening of our broad international portfolio.
“As our industry emerges from this trough, the ability to deliver new performance benchmarks—to innovate and collaborate in every basin—will define success for the coming decades. Schlumberger will lead this innovation and the path to recovery. Our performance and returns-focused strategy will allow us to capitalize upon the emerging growth cycle and deliver industry-leading returns, through our capital stewardship, fit-for-basin technology, digital leadership, and a unique talent pool supporting our global execution. In addition, we are accelerating the expansion of our New Energy portfolio as we develop avenues to contribute to the sustainable energy mix of the future, leveraging our technology, expertise, and execution platform to reduce our environmental impacts while helping our customers reach their environmental goals.
“The crisis has served as a catalyst for reinventing Schlumberger. We are executing our performance strategy and are determined to continue taking bold actions to secure resilience and reposition ourselves as clear leaders—both in performance measured by our customers and in returns measured by our shareholders.”
Other Events
During the third quarter, Schlumberger issued $500 million of 1.400% Senior Notes due 2025 and $350 million of 2.650% Senior Notes due 2030.
On August 31, 2020, Schlumberger and Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. (Liberty) signed an agreement for the contribution to Liberty of OneStim, Schlumberger’s onshore hydraulic fracturing business in the United States and Canada, including its pressure pumping, pumpdown perforating, and Permian frac sand businesses, in exchange for a 37% equity interest in Liberty. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2020 and is subject to Liberty stockholder approval and other customary closing conditions.
On October 15, 2020, Schlumberger’s Board of Directors approved a quarterly cash dividend of $0.125 per share of outstanding common stock, payable on January 14, 2021 to stockholders of record on December 2, 2020.
Consolidated Revenue by Area
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Asia
North America revenue
International revenue
n/m = not meaningful
Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.
North America
North America area consolidated revenue of $1.2 billion was 2% lower sequentially. On land, an uptick in DUC well completions was partially offset by reduced drilling activity. OneStim fracturing revenue grew on higher fleet utilization driven by a US-market stage count increase of more than 30% as customers worked on their DUCs in the Permian and in the resilient gas basins in the Haynesville. Land drilling activity was lower as the average US land rig count declined 29% sequentially, though the rig count had increased slightly by quarter end. In addition, sales in Surface Systems and Valves & Process Systems, mainly on land, decreased sequentially due to reduced drilling activity. North America offshore revenue decreased 13% sequentially due to the combination of reduced rig count, lower WesternGeco multiclient seismic license sales, and hurricane disruption.
Consolidated revenue in the Latin America area of $707 million increased 30% sequentially, primarily due to the resumption of production in our APS projects in Ecuador. Argentina revenue increased as activity rebounded following the easing of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions while revenue in both Mexico and Brazil declined.
Europe/CIS/Africa area consolidated revenue of $1.4 billion decreased 4% sequentially as increased seasonal summer activity in the North Sea and Russia was offset by rig count declines and extended COVID-19 disruptions in Africa and the Caspian region. Resilient activity in Russia and the North Sea was driven by summer drilling and pressure pumping activity campaigns, partially offset by disruptions and delays in Kazakhstan and in Sakhalin. The seasonal activity increase in the Northern Hemisphere, however, was offset by a significant drop in activity in Sub-Sahara Africa from COVID-19 disruptions, reduced rig count, and project delays.
Consolidated revenue in the Middle East & Asia area of $2.0 billion decreased 7% sequentially, primarily due to extended COVID-19 disruptions and project delays in Asia and as customers reduced spending and activity due to budget adjustments, particularly in the Middle East.
Reservoir Characterization
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Pretax operating income
Pretax operating margin
-90 bps
-512 bps
Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.
Reservoir Characterization revenue of $1.0 billion, 85% of which came from the international markets, decreased 4% sequentially. North America and international revenues declined 14% and 2%, respectively. This was mainly due to lower WesternGeco multiclient seismic license sales in North America offshore. Revenue was also lower in the Middle East due to reduced WesternGeco activity as a result of a completed project and lower Testing Services activity due to project cancellations and delays. Sequentially, Wireline activity was essentially flat while Software Integrated Solutions (SIS) revenue was higher.
Reservoir Characterization pretax operating margin of 17% contracted 90 basis points (bps) sequentially due to lower sales of WesternGeco multiclient seismic licenses, which impacted North America margin, while international margin was flat sequentially.
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Pretax operating income
Pretax operating margin
-9 bps
-292 bps
Drilling revenue of $1.5 billion, 83% of which came from the international markets, decreased 12% sequentially. North America and international revenues declined 16% and 11%, respectively. The revenue decline in North America was primarily due to lower activity in US land as rig count dropped 29%, along with rig count reductions and activity disruptions in the US Gulf of Mexico due to a more active hurricane season. In addition, extended COVID-19 disruptions caused drilling activities to be suspended or deferred in several international GeoMarkets.
Sequentially, Drilling pretax operating margin of 10% was essentially flat, despite the significant revenue decline. Margin was resilient both in North America and internationally supported by prompt cost reduction measures.
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Pretax operating income
Pretax operating margin
1,107 bps
347 bps
Production revenue of $1.8 billion, 74% of which came from the international markets, increased 12% sequentially. North America and international revenues increased 13% and 11%, respectively. This was driven primarily by the gradual recovery in DUC well completions activity in US land and the resumption of APS production in Ecuador, which was further boosted by digital technology, improving project performance and efficiency. OneStim revenue grew more than 50% sequentially as US-market stage counts increased by more than 30%. Artificial Lift Solutions revenue increased, also benefitting from the US land recovery. These increases were offset by international declines in Well Services and Completions revenue, resulting from lower spending and activity due to customer budget adjustments, particularly in the Middle East, and from extended COVID-19 lockdown disruption across several GeoMarkets.
Production pretax operating margin of 13% expanded by 1,107 bps sequentially, posting a 108% incremental operating margin. The margin expansion was due to the resumption of production in our APS projects in Ecuador and improved profitability across each of Completions, Artificial Lift Solutions, and Well Services, supported by cost reduction measures. OneStim margin improved due to better operating leverage as revenue increased by more than 50%. Margins improved both in North America and internationally.
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Pretax operating income
Pretax operating margin
-162 bps
-644 bps
Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.
Cameron revenue of $965 million, 67% of which came from the international markets, decreased 5% sequentially. This was primarily due to revenue declines in the long-cycle businesses of OneSubsea® and Drilling Systems, driven by projects ending in Asia and Europe, coupled with the extended COVID-19 disruptions. Despite lower equipment sales in North America, the short-cycle businesses of Surface Systems and Valves & Process Systems were resilient, driven by growth internationally.
Cameron pretax operating margin of 6% declined by 162 bps sequentially. The margin contraction was primarily due to the unfavorable mix where contribution from the long-cycle businesses of OneSubsea and Drilling Systems was lower due to reduced activity. The margins of the short-cycle businesses of Surface Systems and Valves & Process Systems were flat.
Quarterly Highlights
During the quarter, Schlumberger continued to deploy innovative technology and digital enablement to help move the industry toward safer and more efficient operations with lower environmental impact. Schlumberger’s digital platform for the industry continued to gain adoption, as Schlumberger helped customers at various stages of their digital journeys:
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) awarded Schlumberger a five-year contract for the ability to implement digital solutions, including the Petrel* E&P software platform and other petrotechnical domain applications. The contract, valued at USD 109 million, furthers KOC’s objective to deploy best-in-class software solutions that increase asset team efficiency while reducing overall cost per barrel. KOC seeks to improve cross-discipline collaboration between geosciences, reservoir engineering, production engineering, and drilling to facilitate better investment decisions based on a clear understanding of opportunities and risks.
Suncor Energy signed a multiyear agreement to use the Schlumberger DELFI* cognitive E&P environment for the multidomain integration of reservoir engineering, production, and geomechanics in Canada’s large-scale unconventional thermal reservoirs. The agreement includes a heavy oil research and development collaboration for Schlumberger to develop new digital technologies for these complex environments.
The Angolan Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (ANPG) issued a contract award to Schlumberger for the agency’s first-ever digital transformation project. ANPG’s vision is to move to a cloud-based platform to improve the efficiency and performance of oil and gas exploration activities in Angola. The project comprises a technology landscape review, digital readiness evaluation, and an implementation roadmap. A Schlumberger digital transformation consulting team will conduct the reviews and then define a path to advance the digitalization of ANPG, enabled by the Schlumberger DELFI environment.
New technology, workflows, and digitally enabled hardware—including artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) solutions at the edge—continue to positively impact our internal delivery, our performance for customers, and the environment:
In Ecuador, Schlumberger accelerated adoption of digital solutions through its integrated business model by implementing Agora* edge AI and IoT solutions on its own APS project. By combining digital technologies within an integrated environment, production performance was increased while operational and environmental footprint were reduced. To solve production challenges with high gas/oil ratio wells, Agora solutions were used to deliver an automated electrical submersible pump (ESP) gas-handling process. Using a securely connected, solar-powered skid running predictive AI at the edge to optimize well and ESP performance, production was increased 30% in wells connected by the Agora solution, while reducing field crew visits to these wells by 97%—an example of the performance made possible by combining digital and integration.
Offshore Malaysia, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), a subsidiary of PETRONAS, has deployed the Agora platform on mature assets to improve its wellsite safety and productivity while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By using an artificial-intelligence-based video analytics solution, PCSB has achieved a step change in safety and productivity with zero facilities modification. This solution has enabled mature assets to be successfully digitalized. An Agora platform gateway connected to an edge-empowered camera and stand-alone sensors reduced human exposure in the field while providing continuous access to critical equipment data.
In Saudi Arabia, the DrillPlan* well construction planning and DrillOps* automation well delivery solutions surpassed 63,000 ft drilled, achieving a key milestone for our Integrated Well Construction LSTK operations. The on-bottom rate of penetration (ROP) with AutoROP* was 17% higher than previous wells drilled by the same rigs' field average. Furthermore, DrillOps controlled the preconnection, reaming, and backreaming operations, significantly reducing nonproductive time, optimized well delivery time, and contributed to a 30% improvement in on-bottom ROP and shoe-to-shoe run in a recent section of a horizontal well.
Onshore Thailand, Schlumberger used Performance Live* digitally connected service on four rigs for PTT Exploration and Production Plc., Ltd. (PTTEP), reducing crew HSE exposure while sustaining improved ROP. To overcome pandemic-related operational challenges while maintaining drilling execution, Performance Live service enabled PTTEP to conduct most analytical tasks from an office rather than at the wellsite, resulting in a wellsite crew reduction of 50% during directional drilling operations. When combined with upgraded and optimized bottomhole assembly tools with digitally connected capability, Performance Live service also helped PTTEP consistently achieve ROP in excess of 1,500 ft/d.
In Brazil, Drilling & Measurements deployed TerraSphere* high-definition dual-imaging-while-drilling service for the first time in the country to log presalt carbonates for Total. TerraSphere service enabled acquisition of high-definition borehole images—while drilling—de-risking the logging operations on depleted and complex reservoirs. This technology enables well completion optimization and unprecedented reservoir characterization detail for Total’s Lapa field development.
In the US Gulf of Mexico, Byron Energy began production from its SM58 G1 well, crediting a WesternGeco data enrichment initiative with leading to the successful discovery in 2019. The well, which is producing 19.4 MMcf/d of gas and 385 bbl/d of condensate, was drilled on a prospect identified using a velocity model combined with reverse time migration technology. Byron has identified other prospects on the SM58 block using the same exploration dataset.
During the quarter, Schlumberger was awarded a variety of contracts, particularly internationally. Operators are engaging Schlumberger to employ capital-efficient, shorter-cycle methods to enhance recovery and generate more value from their assets:
OneSubsea has been awarded an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract by BHP Petroleum (BHP) for a subsea boosting system to increase recovery from the deepwater Shenzi Field in the US Gulf of Mexico. The Shenzi Field, located approximately 190 km offshore Louisiana, began producing in 2009. The multiphase boosting system will enable a significant drawdown on existing wells to facilitate increased production from the field. The boosting system, rated at 3.6 MW, is a compact, reliable, and capital-efficient solution to increase BHP’s value from this proven asset.
In Scandinavia, Schlumberger secured a contract for stimulation vessel services. The three-year contract includes optional extensions through 2026 to provide stimulation services in the Greater Ekofisk Area in the North Sea. Service delivery following the initial award combined with key technologies are assessed to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
In Oman, Occidental of Oman, Inc. awarded Schlumberger a multiyear contract for the supply of artificial lift production systems and services for the Mukhaizna Oil Field. As part of our commitment to in-country value, we will train and support our local Omani services partner to deliver our fit-for-purpose artificial lift solutions.
In addition to these awards, Schlumberger received contracts from operators focused on efficient development as well as improving production and recovery to achieve their long-term goals:
The Kingdom of Bahrain awarded a performance-based extension contract to a joint team of Tatweer Petroleum and Schlumberger Integrated Performance Management for 15 wells following the success of the pilot project in the Awali Field. This joint engagement integrates services across subsurface, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing to unlock the potential of a key reservoir in the field using fit-for-purpose technologies, including advanced logging and core analysis, extreme extended-reach wells, and fracture stimulation techniques.
In Indonesia, Schlumberger was awarded a three-year contract with an optional one-year extension for drilling operations by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM). This award follows Schlumberger’s previous success in one of PHM’s mature fields, increasing production and reducing total system cost through enhanced drilling performance. The new award includes integrated delivery of performance-focused technologies—such as StethoScope* formation pressure-while-drilling service and PowerDrive Orbit G2 vorteX* motorized rotary steerable system—which will be coupled with a cost optimization strategy tailored to the field.
Financial Tables
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Loss
(Stated in millions, except per share amounts)
Third Quarter
Nine Months
Periods Ended September 30,
Interest and other income
Cost of revenue
Research & engineering
General & administrative
Impairments & other (1)
Loss before taxes (1)
Tax (benefit) expense (1)
Net loss (1)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests
Net loss attributable to Schlumberger (1)
Diluted loss per share of Schlumberger (1)
Average shares outstanding
Average shares outstanding assuming dilution
Depreciation & amortization included in expenses (2)
See section entitled “Charges & Credits” for details.
Includes depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortization of intangible assets, multiclient seismic data costs, and APS investments.
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet
(Stated in millions)
Sept. 30,
Dec. 31,
Current Assets
Cash and short-term investments
Other current assets
Fixed assets
Multiclient seismic data
Intangible assets
Deferred taxes
Other assets
Liabilities and Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Estimated liability for taxes on income
Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term debt
Dividends payable
Long-term debt
Deferred taxes
Postretirement benefits
Other liabilities
(Stated in millions)
Components of Liquidity
Sept. 30,
Jun. 30,
Dec. 31,
Sept. 30,
Cash and short-term investments
Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term debt
Long-term debt
Net Debt (1)
Details of changes in liquidity follow:
Periods Ended September 30,
Net loss before noncontrolling interests
Impairment and other charges, net of tax
Depreciation and amortization (2)
Stock-based compensation expense
Change in working capital
Cash flow from operations (3)
Capital expenditures
APS investments
Multiclient seismic data capitalized
Free cash flow (4)
Dividends paid
Stock repurchase program
Business acquisitions and investments, net of cash acquired plus debt assumed
Net proceeds from divestitures
Increase in Net Debt
Net Debt, beginning of period
Net Debt, end of period
“Net Debt” represents gross debt less cash, short-term investments and fixed income investments, held to maturity. Management believes that Net Debt provides useful information regarding the level of Schlumberger’s indebtedness by reflecting cash and investments that could be used to repay debt. Net Debt is a non-GAAP financial measure that should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, total debt.
Includes depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortization of intangible assets, multiclient seismic data costs and APS investments.
Includes severance payments of $699 million and $273 million during the nine months and third quarter ended September 30, 2020, respectively; and $104 million and $33 million during the nine months and third quarter ended September 30, 2019, respectively.
“Free cash flow” represents cash flow from operations less capital expenditures, APS investments, and multiclient seismic data costs capitalized. Management believes that free cash flow is an important liquidity measure for the company and that it is useful to investors and management as a measure of Schlumberger’s ability to generate cash. Once business needs and obligations are met, this cash can be used to reinvest in the company for future growth or to return to shareholders through dividend payments or share repurchases. Free cash flow does not represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures. Free cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure that should be considered in addition to, not as substitute for or superior to, cash flow from operations.
Charges & Credits
In addition to financial results determined in accordance with US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), this third-quarter 2020 earnings release also includes non-GAAP financial measures (as defined under the SEC’s Regulation G). In addition to the non-GAAP financial measures discussed under “Liquidity”, net income (loss), excluding charges & credits, as well as measures derived from it (including diluted EPS, excluding charges & credits; Schlumberger net income (loss), excluding charges & credits; effective tax rate, excluding charges & credits; and adjusted EBITDA) are non-GAAP financial measures. Management believes that the exclusion of charges & credits from these financial measures enables it to evaluate more effectively Schlumberger’s operations period over period and to identify operating trends that could otherwise be masked by the excluded items. These measures are also used by management as performance measures in determining certain incentive compensation. The foregoing non-GAAP financial measures should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, other measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. The following is a reconciliation of certain of these non-GAAP measures to the comparable GAAP measures. For a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to the comparable GAAP measure, please refer to the section titled “Supplemental Information” (item 14).
(Stated in millions, except per share amounts)
Third Quarter 2020
Schlumberger net loss (GAAP basis)
Facility exit charges
Workforce reductions
Schlumberger net income, excluding charges & credits
Second Quarter 2020
Schlumberger net loss (GAAP basis)
Workforce reductions
Asset performance solutions investments
Fixed asset impairments
Inventory write-downs
Right-of-use asset impairments
Costs associated with exiting certain activities
Multiclient seismic data impairment
Repurchase of bonds
Postretirement benefits curtailment gain
Schlumberger net income, excluding charges & credits
Does not add due to rounding.
(Stated in millions, except per share amounts)
Third Quarter 2019
Schlumberger net loss (GAAP basis)
North America pressure pumping
Intangible assets
Other North America-related
Asset performance solutions investments
Equity-method investments
Schlumberger net income, excluding charges & credits
Nine Months 2020
Schlumberger net loss (GAAP basis)
Intangible assets
Asset performance solutions investments
Workforce reductions
Fixed asset impairments
Inventory write-downs
North America pressure pumping impairment
Right-of-use asset impairments
Facility exit charges
Costs associated with exiting certain activities
Multiclient seismic data impairment
Repurchase of bonds
Postretirement benefits curtailment gain
Valuation allowance
Schlumberger net income, excluding charges & credits
Does not add due to rounding.
(Stated in millions, except per share amounts)
Nine Months 2019
Schlumberger net loss (GAAP basis)
North America pressure pumping
Intangible assets
Other North America-related
Asset performance solutions investments
Equity-method investments
Schlumberger net income, excluding charges & credits
* Does not add due to rounding.
There were no charges or credits during the first six months of 2019.
(Stated in millions)
Three Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Jun. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Reservoir Characterization
Eliminations & other
Pretax segment operating income
Corporate & other
Interest income(1)
Interest expense(1)
Charges & credits(2)
(Stated in millions)
Nine Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2020
Sept. 30, 2019
Reservoir Characterization
Eliminations & other
Pretax segment operating income
Corporate & other
Interest income(1)
Interest expense(1)
Charges & credits(2)
Excludes interest included in the segment results.
See section entitled “Charges & Credits” for details.
Prior period amounts have been reclassified to the current period presentation.
Supplemental Information
What is the capital investment guidance for the full year 2020?
Capital investment (comprised of capex, multiclient, and APS investments) for the full year 2020 is expected to be approximately $1.5 billion, which is approximately 45% lower than 2019. Capex is expected to be approximately $1.1 billion in 2020 as compared to $1.7 billion in 2019. APS investments are expected to be approximately $300 million in 2020 as compared to $781 million in 2019.
What were the cash flow from operations and free cash flow for the third quarter of 2020?
Cash flow from operations for the third quarter of 2020 was $479 million. Free cash flow for the third quarter of 2020 was $226 million, despite making $273 million of severance payments during the quarter.
What was included in “Interest and other income” for the third quarter of 2020?
“Interest and other income” for the third quarter of 2020 was $22 million. This amount consisted of earnings of equity method investments of $19 million and interest income of $3 million.
How did interest income and interest expense change during the third quarter of 2020?
Interest income of $3 million for the third quarter of 2020 decreased $4 million sequentially. Interest expense of $138 million increased $6 million sequentially.
What is the difference between Schlumberger’s consolidated income (loss) before taxes and pretax segment operating income?
The difference principally consists of corporate items, charges and credits, and interest income and interest expense not allocated to the segments as well as stock-based compensation expense, amortization expense associated with certain intangible assets, certain centrally managed initiatives, and other nonoperating items.
What was the effective tax rate (ETR) for the third quarter of 2020?
The ETR for the third quarter of 2020, calculated in accordance with GAAP, was -35.1% as compared to 5.5% for the second quarter of 2020. Excluding charges and credits, the ETR for the third quarter of 2020 was 19.9% as compared to 22.6% for the second quarter of 2020.
How many shares of common stock were outstanding as of September 30, 2020 and how did this change from the end of the previous quarter?
There were 1.392 billion shares of common stock outstanding as of September 30, 2020 and 1.388 billion as of June 30, 2020.
(Stated in millions)
Shares outstanding at June 30, 2020
Shares issued under employee stock purchase plan
Vesting of restricted stock
Stock repurchase program
Shares outstanding at September 30, 2020
What was the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the third quarter of 2020 and second quarter of 2020? How does this reconcile to the average number of shares outstanding, assuming dilution, used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share, excluding charges and credits?
The weighted average number of shares outstanding was 1.391 billion during the third quarter of 2020 and 1.388 billion during the second quarter of 2020.
The following is a reconciliation of the weighted average shares outstanding to the average number of shares outstanding, assuming dilution, used in the calculation of diluted earnings per share, excluding charges and credits.
(Stated in millions)
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
Weighted average shares outstanding
Unvested restricted stock
Average shares outstanding, assuming dilution
What was the unamortized balance of Schlumberger’s investment in APS projects at September 30, 2020?
The unamortized balance of Schlumberger’s investments in APS projects was approximately $1.7 billion at September 30, 2020 and $1.8 billion at June 30, 2020. These amounts are included within Other Assets in Schlumberger’s Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet.
What are the components of depreciation and amortization expense for the third quarter of 2020 and the second quarter of 2020?
The components of depreciation and amortization expense for the third quarter of 2020 and second quarter of 2020 were as follows:
(Stated in millions)
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
Depreciation of fixed assets
Amortization of intangible assets
Amortization of APS investments
Amortization of multiclient seismic data costs capitalized
What was the amount of WesternGeco multiclient sales in the third quarter of 2020?
Multiclient sales, including transfer fees, were $41 million in the third quarter of 2020 and $71 million in the second quarter of 2020.
What was the WesternGeco backlog at the end of the third quarter of 2020?
The WesternGeco backlog, which is based on signed contracts with customers, was $223 million at the end of the third quarter of 2020. It was $248 million at the end of the second quarter of 2020.
What was the book-to-bill ratio for Cameron’s long-cycle businesses? What were the orders and backlog for Cameron’s OneSubsea and Drilling Systems businesses?
The book-to-bill ratio for the Cameron long-cycle businesses was 0.6. The OneSubsea and Drilling Systems orders and backlog were as follows:
(Stated in millions)
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
Drilling Systems
Backlog (at the end of period)
Drilling Systems
What was Schlumberger’s adjusted EBITDA in the third quarter of 2020, the second quarter of 2020, and third quarter of 2019?
Schlumberger’s adjusted EBITDA was $1.018 billion in the third quarter of 2020, $838 million in the second quarter of 2020, and $1.773 billion in the third quarter of 2019, and was calculated as follows:
(Stated in millions)
Third Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Net loss attributable to Schlumberger
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests
Tax (benefit) expense
Loss before taxes
Charges & credits
Depreciation and amortization
Interest expense
Interest income
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA represents income before taxes excluding charges & credits, depreciation and amortization, interest expense, and interest income. Management believes that adjusted EBITDA is an important profitability measure for Schlumberger and that it allows investors and management to more efficiently evaluate Schlumberger’s operations period over period and to identify operating trends that could otherwise be masked. Adjusted EBITDA is also used by management as a performance measure in determining certain incentive compensation. Adjusted EBITDA should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or superior to, other measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP.
What are the components of the $350 million of charges recorded during the third quarter of 2020?
The components of the $350 million net pretax charge are as follows (in millions):
Facility exit charges
Workforce reductions
About Schlumberger
Schlumberger is the world's leading provider of technology and digital solutions for reservoir characterization, drilling, production, and processing to the energy industry. With product sales and services in more than 120 countries and employing approximately 82,000 people as of the end of third quarter of 2020 who represent over 170 nationalities, Schlumberger supplies the industry's most comprehensive range of products and services, from exploration through production, and integrated pore-to-pipeline solutions that optimize hydrocarbon recovery to deliver reservoir performance sustainably.
Schlumberger Limited has executive offices in Paris, Houston, London, and The Hague, and reported revenues of $32.92 billion in 2019. For more information, visit
*Mark of Schlumberger or Schlumberger companies.
Schlumberger will hold a conference call to discuss the earnings press release and business outlook on Friday, October 16, 2020. The call is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. US Eastern Time. To access the call, which is open to the public, please contact the conference call operator at +1 (844) 721-7241 within North America, or +1 (409) 207-6955 outside North America, approximately 10 minutes prior to the call’s scheduled start time, and provide the access code 4013483. At the conclusion of the conference call, an audio replay will be available until November 16, 2020 by dialing +1 (866) 207-1041 within North America, or +1 (402) 970-0847 outside North America, and providing the access code 3336191. The conference call will be webcast simultaneously at on a listen-only basis. A replay of the webcast will also be available at the same website until November 16, 2020.
This third-quarter 2020 earnings release, as well as other statements we make, contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, which include any statements that are not historical facts, such as our forecasts or expectations regarding business outlook; growth for Schlumberger as a whole and for each of its product lines (and for specified products or geographic areas within each product line); oil and natural gas demand and production growth; oil and natural gas prices; pricing; Schlumberger’s response to, and preparedness for, the COVID-19 pandemic and other widespread health emergencies; access to raw materials; improvements in operating procedures and technology; capital expenditures by Schlumberger and the oil and gas industry; the business strategies of Schlumberger and Schlumberger’s customers; Schlumberger’s digital strategy; Schlumberger’s strategy for its North America operations; the expected benefits of, or timing to complete, the proposed OneStim transaction and the divestiture of Schlumberger’s low-flow artificial lift business; Schlumberger’s restructuring efforts and charges recorded as a result of such efforts; our effective tax rate; Schlumberger’s APS projects, joint ventures, and alliances; future global economic and geopolitical conditions; and future results of operations, such as margin levels. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, changing global economic conditions; changes in exploration and production spending by Schlumberger’s customers, and changes in the level of oil and natural gas exploration and development; the results of operations and financial condition of Schlumberger’s customers and suppliers, particularly during extended periods of low prices for crude oil and natural gas; Schlumberger’s inability to achieve its financial and performance targets and other forecasts and expectations; Schlumberger’s inability to sufficiently monetize assets; the extent of future charges; general economic, geopolitical, and business conditions in key regions of the world; foreign currency risk; pricing pressure; weather and seasonal factors; unfavorable effects of health pandemics; availability and cost of raw materials; operational modifications, delays, or cancellations; challenges in Schlumberger’s supply chain; production declines; Schlumberger’s inability to recognize intended benefits from its business strategies and initiatives, such as digital or new energy; as well as its restructuring and structural cost reduction plans; changes in government regulations and regulatory requirements, including those related to offshore oil and gas exploration, radioactive sources, explosives, chemicals, hydraulic fracturing services, and climate-related initiatives; the inability of technology to meet new challenges in exploration; the competitiveness of alternative energy sources or product substitutes; and other risks and uncertainties detailed in this third-quarter 2020 earnings release and our most recent Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. If one or more of these or other risks or uncertainties materialize (or the consequences of any such development changes), or should our underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes may vary materially from those reflected in our forward-looking statements. Statements in this third-quarter 2020 earnings release are made as of the date of this release, and Schlumberger disclaims any intention or obligation to update publicly or revise such statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
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For more information, contact
Ndubuisi Maduemezia – Vice President of Investor Relations, Schlumberger Limited
Joy V. Domingo – Director of Investor Relations, Schlumberger Limited
Office +1 (713) 375-3535
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Solidia Technologies Announces Possibility of Turning Concrete into a Carbon Sink for the Planet

In TED Talk at Countdown’s Global Launch Event, CEO Tom Schuler shares technology application for ready-mix

PISCATAWAY, N.J. -Friday 16 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Solidia Technologies® CEO Tom Schuler shared the possibility of turning Solidia Concrete into a carbon sink for the planet during his TED Talk at TED and Future Stewards’ Global Countdown Launch. Tom was invited to "The Countdown," a call to action on climate change, to explain how cement and concrete contribute to the global carbon challenge and the potential impact of new production technologies for Solidia Cement™ and Solidia Concrete™.

"To address global warming, innovation in both cement production and carbon utilization are absolutely essential," said Tom. "Our new technology for ready-mix concrete is currently being tested for infrastructure applications. And we have already pushed our research beyond that with a technology that enables concrete to become a carbon sink; that means we consume more carbon dioxide (CO2) than we emit during production."

Outlining the issue, he explained how concrete contributes to the global carbon challenge because it is made with cement. "For every ton of cement produced, about a ton of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. As a result, the cement industry is the second largest industrial emitter of CO2, responsible for about eight percent of global emissions."

By changing the chemistry of cement, Solidia both lowers emissions at the cement plant and consumes CO2 in the production of concrete. "Our cement reacts with CO2 instead of water. During curing, the chemical reaction with our cement breaks apart the CO2 molecules and captures the carbon to make limestone that glues the concrete together.”

For production of precast concrete that is cured in kilns, he explained: “When you combine the emissions reduction during cement production with CO2 consumption during curing, we reduce cement’s carbon footprint by up to 70%.”

Describing the different carbon delivery system developed for ready-mix, he added: "Since we can’t use CO2 gas at a construction site, we had to introduce it into our concrete in solid or liquid form. We are partnering with companies that are turning waste CO2 into a family of chemicals, like oxalic or even citric acid – the same one in orange juice. We use these acids to react with our cement and pack in as much as four times more carbon, resulting in carbon-negative concrete.”

Citing the potential impact, Tom explained: “That means that, in just a few hours, one kilometer of road could permanently consume the same amount of CO2 that nearly 100,000 trees absorb in one year. Thanks to chemistry and waste CO2, we have the potential to transform concrete – the second most utilized material on the planet – into a carbon sink for the planet.”

About Solidia Technologies®

Based in Piscataway, N.J. (USA), Solidia Technologies® is a cement and concrete technology company that makes it easy and profitable to use CO2 to create superior and sustainable building and construction materials. At scale each year, Solidia can eliminate at least 1.5 gigatonnes of CO₂, save three trillion liters of fresh water, reduce energy consumption equal to ~260 million barrels of oil, and eliminate 100 million tonnes of concrete landfill waste, while engaging industry in a rapid, globally scalable response to some of the greatest threats facing people and planet. Solidia’s investors include Kleiner Perkins, Bright Capital, BASF, BP, LafargeHolcim, Total Energy Ventures, Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) Climate Investments, Air Liquide, Bill Joy and other private investors. Honors include: the 2020, 2019 and 2014 Global Cleantech 100; a 2020 and 2014 Best Place to Work in NJ; 2020, 2019 and 2018 BP Advancing Low Carbon accreditation; the 2019 Solar Impulse 1000 Efficient Solutions; 2017 ERA Grand Challenge (formerly CCEMC) finalist; 2016 Sustainia 100; 2015 NJBiz Business of the Year; 2014 CCEMC Grand Challenge finalist; 2013 R&D Top 100; 2013 Katerva Award finalist; and MIT’s Climate CoLab shortlist. Follow Solidia on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

About TED

TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, often in the form of short talks delivered by leading thinkers and doers. Many of these talks are given at TED conferences, intimate TED Salons and thousands of independently organized TEDx events around the world. Videos of these talks are made available, free, on and other platforms. Audio versions of TED Talks are published to TED Talks Daily, available on all podcast platforms.

Follow TED on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and on LinkedIn. Connect at

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Ellen Yui, YUI+Company, Inc.
O: 301-270-8571, M: 301-332-4135

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Activist Malala Yousafzai and American Football Coach Katie Sowers Among Others to Headline PMI® Virtual Experience Series

Join us for three opportunities to get inspired by world-renowned change-makers, converse with thought leaders, and gain new knowledge and perspective

PHILADELPHIA-Tuesday 20 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Project Management Institute (PMI), the world's leading association for the project management profession, is providing professionals around the world the opportunity to join three more groundbreaking Virtual Experience Series events on 20 October 2020, 12 November 2020, and 9 December 2020. Hosted by journalist, television host, and executive producer Tamron Hall, these online events connect attendees to hear unique perspectives and lessons-learned from inspiring thought leaders and experts.

 “By bringing these topics to light and providing them a global stage, we can embolden people to embrace change and lean in to new opportunities,” said Sunil Prashara, president and CEO at PMI. “Listening to the stories of others, like our Virtual Experience Series speakers, can help us gain invaluable insights to the world so we can be better in our everyday lives.”

October: A New World View: Our Global Impact

The 20 October event, hosted from 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, focuses on the big picture and the impact project management has around the globe, with a special emphasis on youth and young change-makers.

Hear Pakistani education activist and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai, speak about advancing female education and enabling women’s leadership globally.

Join activist and “Making Futures: Young Entrepreneurs in a Dynamic Africa” author Sangu Delle to hear lessons-learned from young entrepreneurs in this emerging economy during our October Book Club session, hosted by “Masters of Scale: Rapid Response” podcast host Bob Safian.

For emerging professionals or students in the project management field, follow our “Emerging Professionals” track to gain practical tips, such as how to create a powerful LinkedIn profile, and pick up advice from young project managers like Google’s Adam Fahrenkopf and Sport Club Internacional’s Marina Tranchitella, two of PMI’s Future 50 honorees.

November: Drawing a Map to the Future: A Deep Dive in Business Analysis

The 12 November 2020 event, hosted from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, is centered on how we can use data for innovation, not just analytics.

Get in the game with American Football Assistant Coach and game-changer Katie Sowers, in conversation with one of the world’s leading tennis strategists and coach to Novak Djokovic, Craig O’Shannessy, as they unpack how analytics and statistical trends leads to successful game planning.

Take a deep dive into human nature, and learn how to make better decisions with journalist-turned-international poker champion and “The Biggest Bluff” author Maria Konnikova, during our November Book Club session, also hosted by Bob Safian.

After hours, test your decision-making skills in one of our two live poker rooms—one for beginners to learn the game, and one for intermediate players to hone their skills. Master dealers will lead the tutorials.

December: Forging Our Path Forward

On 9 December 2020 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, immerse yourself in all things Olympics.

Get a look at planning for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 in 2021 with Christophe Dubi, Olympic Games Executive Director at the International Olympic Committee.

Future 50 Honoree Laura Jones shares her experience as Director of Project Management for Special Olympics International.

Explore the iconic symbols and graphic imagery of the Olympic Games with “Olympic Games: The Design" author Markus Osterwalder, in conversation with Bob Safian.

Registration for PMI members is $99 for a single experience or $359 for the entire series. Registration for non-members is $149 for a single experience or $899 for the event series. Purchasing a series pass includes complimentary on-demand access to the PMI Talent and Technology Symposium, which took place in June, and select recorded sessions for attendees to peruse through January 2021. Each event is eligible for professional development units (PDUs) toward maintaining PMI® certifications.

Register today at

About Project Management Institute (PMI)

Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession. Through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research, we work to prepare more than three million professionals around the world for The Project Economy: the coming economy in which work, and individuals, are organized around projects, products, programs and value streams. Now 50 years in the making, we work in nearly every country around the world to advance careers, improve organizational success and further mature the project management profession through globally-recognized standards, certifications, communities, resources, tools, academic research, publications, professional development courses and networking opportunities. As part of the PMI family,® interactive website creates online global communities that deliver more resources, better tools, larger networks and broader perspectives. Visit us at, , and on Twitter @PMInstitute

“PMI” and “” are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

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Drew Pradeep


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Eight contestants remain in the competition, as the Qatar Foundation TV show continues to adapt to COVID-19

Doha, Qatar-Sunday 18 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

Qatar Foundation’s Stars of Science has undertaken several measures to continue filming Season 12, overcoming the difficulties presented by COVID-19 while ensuring the safety of contestants, jury members, experts, and filming crew.

And in this week’s episode – as international flights ground to a halt – jury members Professor Fouad Mrad and Professor Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry were forced to join remotely through video call. This unexpected change prompted Yosouf Al-Salehi, Qatar Science & Technology Park’s (QSTP) Executive Director and a former member of the show’s jury, to return to Stars of Science, joining the jury members to help instill an additional level of scrutiny on the contestants’ work.

“This crisis showed us the importance of investment in science and technology. QSTP’s leadership continues to pour resources into finding solutions that will help our communities combat the pandemic,” Al-Salehi said. “Stars of Science drives the promotion and retention of innovative talent while demonstrating the Arab World’s capacity to develop technologies that are increasingly critical in every industry.”

Before this week’s engineering prototyping episode, contestants were given four weeks to produce a fully functional prototype of the envisioned final product. Qatari participant Eiman Al-Hamad noted that she and her peers showed perseverance as they raced to complete their prototypes despite the obstacles that lay in their paths.

“Innovation is all about adapting, and we have shown our ability to do so,” said Al-Hamad. “Witnessing the constant flow of changes to the show, such as the introduction of remote critiques, is a surreal experience, yet that’s what makes our Stars of Science journey even more memorable.”

Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis, a finalist on Season 11 last year, joined the episode as a co-host. He shared his experiences as a former contestant and shed light on the importance of the engineering phase. Khamis’ innovation journey with his Smart Educational Prayer Rug, Sajdah, continued after Stars of Science with the selection of his invention for the technology-focused program at the QSTP Incubation Center, which aims to foster local tech entrepreneurship in the country.

Stars of Science will air every week on eight channels across the region, until the Grand Final episode on November 6, 2020, where the remaining contestants will compete for a share of a $600,000 prize in seed funding.

For a full broadcast guide to Stars of Science Season 12, visit


About Stars of Science

As the premier innovation show in the Arab world, Stars of Science – the edutainment TV initiative of Qatar Foundation (QF) – empowers Arab innovators to develop technological solutions for their communities, benefitting people’s health and lifestyles, and helping to preserve the environment.

Over a 12-week process, the contestants demonstrate the effectiveness of their solutions in a shared innovation space, competing against time with the support of a team of experienced engineers and product developers. An expert panel of jurors assess and eliminate projects every week across several prototyping and testing rounds, until only four finalists remain to compete for a share of $600,000 in seed funding. Jury deliberation and online voting from the public determine the rankings.

Stars of Science will air every Friday and Saturday from September 11, 2020 till November 6, 2020. Please visit the broadcast guide for channels and timings: 

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Instagram- starsofsciencetv

Tik Tok- starsofscience

Qatar Foundation – Unlocking Human Potential

Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) is a non-profit organization that supports Qatar on its journey to becoming a diversified and sustainable economy. QF strives to serve the people of Qatar and beyond by providing specialized programs across its innovation-focused ecosystem of education, science and research, and community development.

QF was founded in 1995 by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the Father Amir, and Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, who shared the vision to provide Qatar with quality education. Today, QF’s world-class education system offers lifelong learning opportunities to community members as young as six months through to doctoral level, enabling graduates to thrive in a global environment and contribute to the nation’s development.

QF is also creating a multidisciplinary innovation hub in Qatar, where homegrown researchers are working to address local and global challenges. By promoting a culture of lifelong learning and fostering social engagement through programs that embody Qatari culture, QF is committed to empowering the local community and contributing to a better world for all.

For a complete list of QF’s initiatives and projects, visit

Weber Shandwick

Maram Alibrahim

+974 3398 8390

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Belgium Contracts 322 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) From Oshkosh Defense

OSHKOSH, Wis.-Wednesday 14 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) company, announced today that the Belgium Ministry of Defence has awarded Oshkosh Defense a contract for 322 Oshkosh Defense Command and Liaison Vehicles (CLV) for the Belgium Defence Forces.

The Belgian CLV is the proven Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) platform from Oshkosh equipped with Belgian communication systems. The JLTV is currently used by the U.S. military.

“Oshkosh Defense is honored that Belgium has chosen to equip its armed forces with the Oshkosh CLV,” said John Bryant, Executive Vice President, Oshkosh Corporation, and President, Oshkosh Defense.

“The Oshkosh CLV offers Belgian soldiers the world’s most advanced light military vehicle, delivering next-generation levels of protection, off-road mobility, speed, transportability, and seamless operational and logistical interoperability with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies,” Bryant continued.

“The Belgian Defence opted for a worldwide competition in which “money for value” was the only criterion,” said Director Land Systems Colonel Filip De Varé. “The CLV will be integrated in the CaMo program, an international partnership between the French and Belgian land forces.”

Traditionally procured via foreign military sales, the Belgian procurement marks Oshkosh Defense’s first large direct commercial sale of a JLTV-based vehicle. Belgium joins the United States, the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Montenegro in choosing this vehicle.

As a globally recognized leader in the design and production of military vehicle systems, Oshkosh Defense has the capacity to support both domestic and international customer demand.

About Oshkosh Defense

Oshkosh Defense is a global leader in the design, production and sustainment of best-in-class military vehicles and mobility systems. As a pioneer of combat-ready vehicle solutions, Oshkosh develops and applies emerging technologies that advance troop safety and mission success. Setting the industry standard for sustaining fleet readiness, Oshkosh ensures every vehicle is supported worldwide throughout its entire life cycle.

Oshkosh Defense, LLC is an Oshkosh Corporation company [NYSE: OSK].

Learn more about Oshkosh Defense at

About Oshkosh Corporation

At Oshkosh (NYSE: OSK), we make innovative, mission-critical equipment to help everyday heroes’ advance communities around the world. Headquartered in Wisconsin, Oshkosh Corporation employs more than 15,000 team members worldwide, all united behind a common cause: to make a difference in people’s lives. Oshkosh products can be found in more than 150 countries under the brands of JLG®, Pierce®, Oshkosh® Defense, McNeilus®, IMT®, Frontline™, Jerr-Dan®, Oshkosh® Airport Products, CON-E-CO® and London™. For more information, visit

®, ™ All brand names referred to in this news release are trademarks of Oshkosh Corporation or its subsidiary companies.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains statements that the Company believes to be “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company’s future financial position, business strategy, targets, projected sales, costs, earnings, capital expenditures, debt levels and cash flows, and plans and objectives of management for future operations, are forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, words such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “should,” “project” or “plan” or the negative thereof or variations thereon or similar terminology are generally intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guaranteeing of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors, some of which are beyond the Company’s control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

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Alexandra Hittle, Director, Global Marketing and Communications


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Everbridge Features 43rd President of the United States George W. Bush Speaking on Leadership and Critical Event Management, as well as CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta as Day 1 Keynote for COVID-19: Road to Recovery Symposium

BURLINGTON, Mass.-Thursday 15 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

Tens of thousands of senior executives, government officials and healthcare experts from 150 countries attend Everbridge’s R2R summits

Day two (October 15th) keynote speakers will include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the NIAID at NIH, Virgin Group Founder Sir Richard Branson; Mayor of Miami and C-level leaders from Accenture, Auburn University, Carlyle Group, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Goldman Sachs, and Houston Methodist; as well as international experts from Europe, APAC and the EENA (Register at for Day 2 of the event)

Day one speakers included C-level leaders from Capital One, Fannie Mae, Ford Motor Company, Fortinet, Humana, IBM, CDC, Mayo Clinic, and others


(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Everbridge, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVBG), the global leader in critical event management (CEM), today announced highlights from day one of its two-day Autumn 2020 “COVID-19 R2R: The Road to Recovery” virtual leadership symposium, addressing global best practices to reopen economies amid COVID-19, while most safely returning people to public spaces, offices and campuses. The first day’s sessions emphasized the importance of public and private sector partnerships during the next phase of the pandemic. Day two of the symposium offers another impressive lineup of marquee speakers.

Everbridge’s COVID-19: Road to Recovery Symposiums bring together tens of thousands of leaders and experts from 150 countries across business, healthcare, and government. To attend the “COVID-19 R2R: The Road to Recovery” virtual leadership summit and to replay select presentations on demand, please visit Everbridge’s event registration page.

In his conversation with Everbridge CEO David Meredith, President Bush shared his perspective on leadership and critical event management during a public health crisis, as he addressed leaders across industries. He also emphasized the value of preparedness for crises of all kinds, including pandemics, severe weather, cyber-attacks and more.

“We at Everbridge feel privileged to feature the 43rd President of the United States George W. Bush to speak on leadership and critical event management during the first day of our COVID-19: Road to Recovery Symposium,” said Everbridge CEO David Meredith. “Joined by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, day one of our event included board level, CEO, president and C-level speakers from Capital One, Fannie Mae, Ford, Fortinet, Humana, IBM, Mayo Clinic and more.”

Added Meredith, “While we all await a vaccine, global leaders, including many of our keynote speakers and panelists, strive to utilize innovative technologies, as well as proven best practices to take immediate action to keep their people as safe as possible while also getting their organizations up and running, faster. We can draw inspiration and hope from the many stories shared this week on navigating the uncertainty of returning to work and reopening society, safely.”

Day one highlights also included discussions with Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) Dr. Nancy Messonnier; a panel with board members representing Fortinet, DOW, Russell Reynolds Associates, Tyson Foods, and others; as well as a panel dedicated to C-level leadership, including IBM President Jim Whitehurst and Ford Motor Company’s former CEO Jim Hackett. Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves and former Florida Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera spoke from a government leadership perspective, and day one also included a debut speech from newly appointed Everbridge Chief Customer Experience Officer John Maeda. Each of these sessions can be found on-demand on the Everbridge site.

Day two (October 15th) keynote speakers will include presidential advisor and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Dr. Anthony Fauci and Virgin Group Founder Sir Richard Branson and many other C-level leaders across public and private sectors.

The Symposium features C-level speakers from Fortune 500 and international corporations, universities, healthcare organizations and government agencies including Ford Motor Company, IBM, Fortinet, Accenture, Auburn University, Aviva, CAG Holdings, Capital One, Fannie Mae, Humana, Lumen Technologies, Optum, Rackspace, Siemens, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), Goldman Sachs, the Governor of Mississippi, the Mayor of Miami, Houston Methodist Hospital, CDC Foundation, the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Duke University Health System, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, New York City Emergency Management Department, Office of National Commission of Police in Iceland, the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), and Australia’s Emergency Alert program, among others.

Over 5,300 global organizations use Everbridge’s CEM Platform to assess threats, monitor the wellbeing of their workforce, rapidly communicate warnings, and protect supply chains. At the onset of the pandemic, Everbridge rapidly launched its COVID-19 Shield™ Return to Work and Contact Tracing software solutions followed by the introduction of Everbridge Control Center, the industry’s first off-the-shelf physical security information management software platform to help organizations return to work while complying with social distancing and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies. Since the pandemic began, Everbridge customers have used its software to send more than 850 million coronavirus-related communications with vital information and instructions to safeguard their populations, employees, patients, and students.

Everbridge serves over 3,700 first responder agencies and 1,500 healthcare entities including the top pharmaceutical, biomedical and medical device and manufacturing companies, as well as the largest healthcare systems (overseeing more than 25 percent of all hospital beds in the U.S.), managed care organizations, pharmacies, and statewide health alert networks (HANs), including the CDC and the NIH.

The Everbridge Platform reaches over 600 million people and currently supports the countrywide public warning system deployments in all major regions of the world. Everbridge supports population-wide alerting in 11 countries across Europe, Asia, Oceania, The Middle East, Africa, and South America including Australia, Iceland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Singapore and Sweden. Everbridge’s population alerting capabilities also power the entire states of California, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Connecticut, and Florida, as well as municipalities, counties and cities within 49 of the 50 United States, within all of Canada’s provinces, and throughout Europe and Asia, including deployments within multiple populous states in India.

About Everbridge

Everbridge, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVBG) is a global software company that provides enterprise software applications that automate and accelerate organizations’ operational response to critical events in order Keep People Safe and Businesses Running™. During public safety threats such as active shooter situations, terrorist attacks or severe weather conditions, as well as critical business events including IT outages, cyber-attacks or other incidents such as product recalls or supply-chain interruptions, over 5,300 global customers rely on the Company’s Critical Event Management Platform to quickly and reliably aggregate and assess threat data, locate people at risk and responders able to assist, automate the execution of pre-defined communications processes through the secure delivery to over 100 different communication devices, and track progress on executing response plans. Everbridge serves 8 of the 10 largest U.S. cities, 9 of the 10 largest U.S.-based investment banks, 47 of the 50 busiest North American airports, 9 of the 10 largest global consulting firms, 8 of the 10 largest global automakers, 9 of the 10 largest U.S.-based health care providers, and 7 of the 10 largest technology companies in the world. Everbridge is based in Boston with additional offices in 14 cities around the globe. For more information visit

Cautionary Language Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to, statements regarding the anticipated opportunity and trends for growth in our critical communications and enterprise safety applications and our overall business, our market opportunity, our expectations regarding sales of our products, our goal to maintain market leadership and extend the markets in which we compete for customers, and anticipated impact on financial results. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and were based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management. Words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “should,” “believe,” “target,” “project,” “goals,” “estimate,” “potential,” “predict,” “may,” “will,” “could,” “intend,” variations of these terms or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. Our actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to: the ability of our products and services to perform as intended and meet our customers’ expectations; our ability to successfully integrate businesses and assets that we may acquire; our ability to attract new customers and retain and increase sales to existing customers; our ability to increase sales of our Mass Notification application and/or ability to increase sales of our other applications; developments in the market for targeted and contextually relevant critical communications or the associated regulatory environment; our estimates of market opportunity and forecasts of market growth may prove to be inaccurate; we have not been profitable on a consistent basis historically and may not achieve or maintain profitability in the future; the lengthy and unpredictable sales cycles for new customers; nature of our business exposes us to inherent liability risks; our ability to attract, integrate and retain qualified personnel; our ability to maintain successful relationships with our channel partners and technology partners; our ability to manage our growth effectively; our ability to respond to competitive pressures; potential liability related to privacy and security of personally identifiable information; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights, and the other risks detailed in our risk factors discussed in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including but not limited to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019 filed with the SEC on February 28, 2020. The forward-looking statements included in this press release represent our views as of the date of this press release. We undertake no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

All Everbridge products are trademarks of Everbridge, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other product or company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

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Jeff Young
Media Relations

Joshua Young
Investor Relations

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Ekata Introduces Account Opening API

New Offering Utilizes Dynamic Data to Mitigate Risk of Synthetic Identity Fraud

SEATTLE-Friday 16 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ekata, a global leader in digital identity verification, introduces the Account Opening API, designed to take action on high-risk accounts to mitigate losses from synthetic identity fraud. The Account Opening API identifies potential bad actors from good customers during the online application process. Designed to support customer onboarding strategies, the Account Opening API:

Secures personal lending – Avoids disappearance of illegitimate borrowers by preventing them from setting up an account with false or misleading information.
Prevents credit bust-out – Takes proactive measures to stop bad actors from establishing presence and manipulating their accounts before it happens.
Reduces application abandonment – Captures the opportunity to reduce friction and tailor a faster, easier and more efficient application process for low-risk applicants while ensuring data accuracy.
Recent studies have found that synthetic identity fraud is the fastest growing type of financial crime in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that more than 60% of fraud losses for banks stem from identity fraud, and 20% of that fraud is synthetic identity fraud. According to the American Bankers Association, synthetic fraud costs lenders more than $6 billion annually, and the average loss is estimated at $10,000 per account. Using a combination of valid qualifying information combined with fake secondary information, perpetrators cultivate these identities to defraud banks, causing charge-offs and losses for financial institutions. These attacks must be proactively addressed when bringing customers onboard.

“As more traditional personally identifiable information is compromised online, it’s easier for fraudsters to create and foster synthetic identities,” said Bhavana Mathur, Vice President of Product Management at Ekata. “This type of fraud is difficult to detect because aspects of the identity are valid, and often they slip through during the account opening process. Ekata’s Account Opening API uses static and dynamic data insights to help detect and prevent this type of cybercrime from the start.”

Key features of the Account Opening API include:

Identity risk score – Comprehensive risk score that combines dynamic data across five core identity elements (name, phone, email, address, IP) as well as their usage patterns.
Identity network score – Predictive risk score built on usage patterns of identity elements across real-world queries from Ekata’s network.
Network signals – Returns three proprietary signals to assess the riskiness of the location address (IP last seen), the phone (phone last seen), and the relationship of the phone and email provided (phone and email first seen).
Minimal input requirements – Only requires two common inputs to initiate the verification process: either phone or email and IP address. All other inputs are optional.
Scalability – Flexibility to support massive, sustained query-per-second volume requirements while reliably retaining low latencies.
“Cybercrime is more sophisticated than ever, but by utilizing dynamic identity elements and real-world usage patterns, issuing agencies have a better chance at detecting and deterring fraudulent accounts, while still allowing valid accounts without excess friction,” Mathur added.

The Account Opening API is powered by the industry’s fastest and most reliable tech stack which is built on an elite enterprise-grade infrastructure, fed by accurate global identity data from the Identity Graph, and differentiated with proprietary insights from the Identity Network.

To learn more about how to integrate the Account Opening API into your risk model, visit the Ekata website at

About Ekata

Ekata provides global identity verification solutions via enterprise-grade APIs for automated decisioning, and Pro Insight, a SaaS solution for manual review for cross-border businesses to grow revenue by maximizing their predictability of good transactions. Ekata’s product suite is powered by the Ekata Identity Engine (EIE), the first and only cross-border identity verification engine of its kind. It uses complex machine learning algorithms across the five core consumer attributes of email, phone, name (person or business), physical address, and IP, to derive unique data links and features from billions of real-time transactions within the Ekata proprietary network and the data licensed from a broad spectrum of global providers. Businesses around the world including Alipay, Microsoft, and Stripe leverage our product suite to increase approvals of more good transactions, reduce customer friction at account opening, and find fraud.

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Ekata Media Contact:
Danielle Capers


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Liquefy Gains In-Principle Approval for the First Licensed Tokenized Securities Private Financing Platform in UAE

HONG KONG-Thursday 15 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Liquefy is proud to announce that it is the first company to be granted in-principle approval to operate a Private Financing Platform (‘PFP’) for the Abu Dhabi Global Market (‘ADGM’), in line with the jurisdiction’s wider regulatory regime for digital assets and securities. Once granted in full, Liquefy will be able to offer tokenized securities backed by real world assets such as private companies, venture funds and other alternative investments to investors in the UAE on its Alternative Global Marketplace. This marks an important milestone in Liquefy’s development from a pure technology provider towards a FinTech platform.

Liquefy has established itself as a leading tokenization player in Asia by offering enterprise-ready technology solutions to corporate clients, with the long-term vision being in the tokenized securities distribution space. Strategically, the license enables Liquefy to complement its asset origination strategy for seamless end-to-end tokenization, while also consolidating its presence in the UAE, building on the existing joint venture with The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum and SEED Group in Dubai. The UAE has positioned itself to be a blockchain progressive region with ambitious initiatives such as the Dubai 2020 Blockchain Initiative and Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021. Investors in the UAE also have a strong appetite for tokenized securities and an openness to invest in alternative assets leveraging new technologies.

Adrian Lai, CEO of Liquefy said: “Liquefy has always recognised the UAE as a region ripe with opportunities, offering a unique blend of favourable investment environment, a culture of innovation, and progressive investor appetite for alternative investment. We are extremely proud to expand our operational presence in the UAE with the granting of the license in-principle. With our extended service offerings, Liquefy aims to continuously drive FinTech innovation around the globe.”

About Liquefy

Liquefy is a FinTech platform that enables the issuance and distribution of tokenized securities backed by real assets to bring in a new world of accessible investment. Liquefy’s Alternative Global Marketplace will allow qualified asset owners to access new sources of private capital from fully compliant investors, while capturing operational efficiencies and enabling exposure to a wider investor base for their fundraising. Since inception in 2018, Liquefy has established successful cross-asset diversification and legitimate tokenization use cases around the globe.

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Media Contact
Oscar Yeung
(852) 9775-9984

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AURAK Holds 9th Commencement Ceremony for Graduates

Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates-Monday 12 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

The American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK) proudly hosted its 9th commencement ceremony on the 8th of October in the presence of 176 undergraduate and postgraduate students from various colleges. The ceremony was attended by His Excellency Mohammad Hassan Omran Al Shamsi, Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, and Her Excellency Sumaya Hareb Al Suwaidi, member of the Federal National Council for the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.

The commencement ceremony, which took place on AURAK’s campus, was held under exceptional safety measures and a health protocol that taking into account all the prevention standards recommended by the Ministry of Health. AURAK reduced the number of attendees and canceled gatherings inside the ceremony venue. The graduate’s families were able to watch the proceedings on the stage from the safety of their cars.  Furthermore all participants demonstrated negative COVID-19 results, wore masks and applied the rules of social distancing by leaving a distance of not less than two meters from each other, in order to ensure the graduation ceremony could proceed with a relaxed joyful atmosphere.

President of the American University of Ras Al Khaimah, Professor Hassan Hamdan Al Alkim, congratulated the graduates of the 9th cohort, stressing that AURAK was determined to fully celebrate the graduate’s wonderful achievements despite the difficult circumstances due to “Covid-19” epidemic. He also expressed his pride in their success in facing challenges and overcoming this sensitive period of their academic life.

Prof. Al Alkim emphasized that the university is always keen to provide its graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to overcome all difficulties, and thus contribute to the advancement of their societies and help them overcome the various challenges which will enable them to build their renaissance. Prof Al Alkim highlighted that the university is moving steadily towards further growth and academic expansion in different schools and courses in order to advance its educational level in accordance with the highest international standards approved for higher education.

American University of Ras Al Khaimah

Maryam Albloushi

Department of Communications and Public Relations

+971 7 2468803

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Virtustream Announces xStreamCare Services™ for Security and Compliance, Enabling Customers to Reduce Risks and Achieve More Proactive Security Posture

Benjamin Moore turns to Virtustream’s new Trust Platform and Security Services to proactively manage risks across cloud-based workloads with greater precision and speed

MCLEAN, Va.-Sunday 11 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Virtustream, an enterprise-class cloud company and Dell Technologies business, announced xStreamCare Services for Security and Compliance today, bringing together advanced security management and monitoring, expert consulting services, and its innovative Trust Platform – a unified, security and compliance management platform.

Virtustream’s latest security solutions provide near real-time visibility into security alerts, intrusion attempts, open vulnerabilities, log analytics, policy management and entitlements across Virtustream’s Enterprise Cloud and Healthcare Cloud platforms, enabling enterprises to achieve a more proactive security posture to protect their business’ IT assets, applications and data.

“Setting the standards of excellence is important to our team at Benjamin Moore. Not only for our products and color offerings, but also for IT security,” said Syed Haider, Director of IT Security, Benjamin Moore. “Virtustream’s deep cloud expertise and focus on understanding our business’ needs make it an excellent fit for us. And by leveraging Virtustream’s new Trust Platform and comprehensive security services – with clear visibility all in one place – we can seamlessly address any issues or risks that may arise.”

For most customers, deploying security services is a manual process, typically managed through multiple platforms. This can be time-consuming, complex and expensive. Without a means to consolidate security data, enterprises struggle to identify their security, compliance and business risks as a whole. In fact, a recent study by Ponemon Institute1 found that 56% of businesses say data breaches occur because of a lack of visibility into the operations of their security programs.

“Our comprehensive approach to security is built on more than a decade of mission-critical cloud experience. With our new security offerings, you can eliminate the need to internally manage the growing number of complexities, cyberattacks and regulatory requirements,” says Pritesh Parekh, Chief Trust & Security Officer at Virtustream. “Our xStreamCare Services for Security and Compliance allow our customers to attain a more robust proactive security posture with unified, near real-time visibility, enabling them to quickly set priorities and make more informed security decisions with precision.”

Unified View Delivers Enhanced Insights and Faster Response Times

Virtustream’s Trust Platform aggregates and automates security data into a unified dashboard. The platform’s simplified and comprehensive view eliminates the need to manually aggregate and process logs from multiple tools and services by providing a clean, near real-time view of an enterprise’s security posture, compliance and risk across multiple workloads.

Virtustream’s Trust Platform is based on the company’s decade of experience securing mission-critical data and applications in the cloud. Further setting the new solution apart from other industry offerings are advanced features, including:

Alerts Dashboard: Displays security alerts with sensitivity levels that originate from Virtustream-deployed security controls with the ability to drill down, filter, and export data.

Vulnerability Dashboard: Prompts proactive protection through awareness of open vulnerabilities as well as their severity and age. Authorized users can define and manage aging and remediation policies.

Log Analytics: Enables ad-hoc queries against aggregated security and OS logs.

Policy Management: Supports customer-defined policies for managing security vulnerabilities.

Compliance Reporting: Allows on-demand download of available reports such as Type 2 SOC 2 + HITRUST with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix and Type 2 Attestation (AT-C 105 and AT-C 205) HIPAA/HITECH.

Asset Management Dashboard: Catalogs all assets in the cloud along with the status of security services.

The Trust Platform is available today on Virtustream Enterprise Cloud and Virtustream Healthcare Cloud.

Security Services for Every Businesses’ IT Needs

The combination of robust security features with actionable visibility helps block attacks proactively before they can penetrate a secure environment. Using security services for cloud-hosted mission-critical applications can also help increase the internal security operation team’s productivity. By off-loading management, internal IT teams can reduce the daily burden of managing security operations. Internal teams can also leverage on-demand access to certified cybersecurity experts and consulting services to address a range of potential internal skills gap.

The Security Essentials Bundle includes anti-virus/anti-malware, host intrusion detection system (IDS), host firewall, host file integrity monitoring, log management and vulnerability scanning. The Security Healthcare Bundle includes all services from the Essentials set as well as data at rest encryption and network intrusion detection. And the Enhanced Bundle includes all of these services along with log forwarding, network firewall policy auditor, data at rest encryption, operating system hardening scans, and SAP virus scanning services.

Find more information on Virtustream Enterprise Cloud, Virtustream Healthcare Cloud, the Trust Center, and on xStreamCare Services for Security and Compliance.

About Virtustream

Virtustream LLC, a Dell Technologies Business, is the enterprise-class cloud company that is trusted by organizations worldwide to migrate and run their mission-critical applications in the cloud. For enterprises, service providers, healthcare organizations and government agencies Virtustream’s xStreamCare Services™ expertise combined with the Virtustream xStream® Management Platform and Infrastructure-as-a Service (IaaS) meets the security, compliance, performance, efficiency and consumption-based billing requirements of complex production applications in the cloud – whether private, public or hybrid.

Virtustream is a trademark of Virtustream LLC. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.

1) “The Cybersecurity Illusion: The Emperor Has No Clothes,” by Ponemon Institute, published in July 2019, cited here on Nov. 6, 2019.

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See the Virtustream newsroom

Frank E. Smith
Head of Global Communications, Virtustream

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Thales to Provide Mobile Driver Licenses to State of Florida

PARIS LA DÉFENSE-Tuesday 13 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

Thales is to provide the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with a nationally and internationally compliant mobile Driver License service.

Thales will act as a Credential Service Provider, at the heart of the state’s identity verification and online authentication programs.

Thales will also provide a mobile Driver License solution for Floridians to verify their identity, including proof of age as well as driving rights.

(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The State of Florida will be the first state in the United States to provide mobile Driver Licenses with leading-edge security mechanisms, fully compliant with rigorous national and international standards. Thales will supply the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with mobile Driver License verification services, as well as a mobile Driver License solution for residents.

In 2021, Florida residents will be able to apply for new mobile Driver Licenses that are easily accessible on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. These mobile Driver Licenses meet the national and international standards from the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators and the International Organization for Standardization, meaning they can be used across the United States and internationally.

These new mobile Driver Licenses have the same validity as traditional driver’s licenses to verify identity, including proof of age and driving privileges. It also provides an additional role as a strong authentication tool, enabling Floridians to securely prove who they are online for a variety of services.

Now, to complement the traditional use of driver licenses to prove their identity, Florida residents will be able to simply activate their mobile identification application, select the type of verification needed, and hold up their mobile device. The mobile device never leaves the owners hand, making it a contact-free and convenient way to show ID.

“I’m excited for this innovation project that will make the state of Florida a national leader in offering secure and trusted mobile identification, which is a priority for our Governor, Ron DeSantis,” said Terry L. Rhodes, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. “We have made a sustained commitment to the modernization of nearly every aspect of what our department does and how customers access our services, and Thales will be a great partner as Florida now steps into the future of mobile identification.”

“As ID fraud becomes more frequent and sophisticated, we made it a priority to reinforce ID verification by adding extra software security technologies. In the future, enterprises such as airports, hotels, car rental companies etc, in Florida will be able to rely on Thales to identify customers, while guaranteeing their privacy”, said Tony Lo Brutto, VP NORAM, Identity and Biometric Solutions at Thales.

These mobile Driver Licenses are harder to counterfeit, as they host a secure digitized credential whose authenticity can be checked rather than simply displaying a digital image of a driver license that could be easily manipulated.

For stronger privacy, users of mobile Driver Licenses control what information is displayed from the app depending on the context. For example, to enter a casino it only needs to show that the individual is old enough and the mobile Driver License will just display that information – not the individual’s name, date of birth, or address.

The Florida mobile Driver License program builds on Thales’ strong foundation of supporting state identity programs for 11 other U.S. states and five Canadian provinces.

Note to Editors

Thales, a leader in mobile driver’s license technology, successfully conducted the first U.S. mobile Driver’s License or Digital Driver’s License pilots across multiple states through a partnership and grant awarded in 2016 by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Thales has recently been nationally recognized for the Digital ID Wallet, which incorporates the mobile Driver’s License solution, by Frost & Sullivan and ABI Research

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global technology leader shaping the world of tomorrow today. The Group provides solutions, services and products to customers in the aeronautics, space, transport, digital identity and security, and defence markets. With 83,000 employees in 68 countries, Thales generated sales of €19 billion in 2019.

Thales is investing in particular in digital innovations — connectivity, Big Data, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity — technologies that support businesses, organisations and governments in their decisive moments.

Thales Group
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Thales, Media Relations
Digital Identity & Security
Vanessa Viala
+33 6 07 34 00 34

Thales, Media Relations
Adam Kostecki
+1 (703) 838-5645

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Crayon Expands Strategic Partnership With Workplace From Facebook

The extended agreement will help companies connect remote and deskless workers with mobile-friendly and collaborative technology

OSLO, Norway-Tuesday 13 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Crayon, a global leader in digital transformation, today announced it is expanding its partnership with Workplace from Facebook to change the way organizations communicate and get work done. Crayon has offered Workplace, a business collaboration tool, in the Nordics since 2018 and this new agreement will expand the partnership into 20 more countries over the next year.

Crayon has seen an increase in the need for collaborative tools as companies around the world shifted to a new approach to work, connecting a more remote and distributed workforce. The expanded partnership means Crayon and Workplace will help organizations work closer together, break down communication silos and enable stronger company culture, especially with remote and frontline workers by providing a unified system of engagement and collaboration.

“This partnership means we can help more companies to connect on one platform so that everyone feels like they have a voice in the organization,” said Crayon co-founder Rune Syversen. “We understand the challenge of the connected company has nothing to do with technology, it has to do with changing the culture toward open collaboration. Our Workplace program is about just that – helping our customers to leverage the benefits of the Workplace platform emphasizing cultural changes. Since we started this partnership, we’ve observed Workplace becoming our fastest growing tech partner, particularly as the technology works well with the Microsoft IT stack. For us, along with Workplace, it’s not just another IT implementation, it is an introduction of a whole new way of communicating across the entire company.”

Crayon has helped deploy Workplace at all types of organizations, from healthcare companies to transportation organizations globally.

“Our employees have different workspaces, some are working from their office, others are working from a farm. We needed a way to communicate with everyone across the organization regardless of where or how they did their job and Workplace made that possible,” said Meylin S. Loo, Digital Communications Chief for Tine in Norway.

“Also, for us it was important to have a partner that had implemented this solution before to give us crucial guidance on best practices. Plus, we already have a long-standing successful relationship with Crayon and so we knew they were the right one to help us implement Workplace.”

Among the 20 countries that Crayon and Workplace will expand to include Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the UK, France and the US.

“We are proud to expand our partnership with Crayon, which has dozens of joint Workplace customers and has added their technical expertise to each launch to enable wall-to-wall adoption of Workplace across every employee in an organization. This deepened partnership and new growth trajectory is another important milestone on our two companies’ journeys. Right now companies around the world are trying to keep their workforces connected, engaged and keep their employees informed, and we believe that Workplace is a perfect solution for many of today’s real-world challenges,” said Julien Codorniou, VP, Workplace from Facebook.

About Crayon:

Crayon helps customers build the commercial and technical foundation for a successful digital transformation journey through a reliable services framework allowing our customers to right-size and optimize their IT estates. Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, Crayon has over 1600 employees across more than 50 locations worldwide.

Melanie Coffee
PR and Media Relations Director
+47 46 74 8648

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P.I. Works Celebrates 15 Years of Revolutionizing the Global Telecoms Industry

ISTANBUL-Thursday 8 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- This year marks an important milestone for P.I. Works, as it is our 15th year of supporting the telecoms industry. Our ethos has been built on the idea of transforming the way mobile networks are managed and changing users’ lives for the better, and we continue to follow this by constantly improving our efficiency and automating our customers’ processes, so that we can empower them to achieve their quality, efficiency and transformation goals.

Our relentless drive to innovate and improve has continuously pushed us to deliver the highest value for our customers. We treat our customers’ requirements with utmost importance, consistently exceeding their expectations and always ensuring a timely and quality delivery of our solutions.

From the outset, P.I. Works has always stood at the frontier of emerging and disruptive network technologies. As recent as in 2014, we became the first in history to enable the Automated Management of a commercial LTE network. We presented the world’s first Automated 5G Network Management use case at MWC19 Barcelona just over a year ago, and have continued to attract new customers in the 5G automation area ever since. We are committed to empowering our customers in transforming their networks with AI and Automation, laying a strong foundation for their future aspirations.

Başar Akpınar, CEO and Co-Founder of P.I. Works, said: “We, at P.I. Works, are inspired by the potential of mobile technologies to transform businesses and improve the lives of billions. Yet such transformation can only be achieved by working side by side with the people who relentlessly push the boundaries of impossible to make things possible. For that, I would like to thank the P.I. Works team and alumni for their exceptional dedication over the years. We are confident that these efforts will continue to reinforce our leadership in the network automation market.”

Looking back, our success can be attributed to the contribution of our hardworking people, who continuously strive to deliver the best. A culture built on integrity, trust and respect is at the heart of everything we do and drives us towards excellence, leading us to becoming a trusted partner of our customers in delivering top quality services and transforming the experience of billions of users.

To learn more about P.I. Works’ solutions and customer success stories, visit our webpage or email us at

Media, P.I. Works, Melih Murat,

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Modern Governance 13.0: Diligent Debuts Its ESG Solution Set, Giving Organizations the Ability to Measure, Track, and Benchmark ESG Goals

Diligent’s solution for ESG comes to market as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles continue to gain traction with organizations globally

NEW YORK-Thursday 8 October 2020 [ AETOS Wire ]

(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Diligent Corporation, a leading modern governance company with a platform used by nearly 700,000 board directors and leaders, today announced the launch of its ESG solution set to help organizations turn ESG standards and guidelines into tangible actions and outcomes. Diligent’s solutions equip organizations with the tools needed to track ESG progress against industry standards, benchmark practices using analytics, and monitor relevant news and stakeholder sentiment. The solutions empower organizations to not only develop ambitious ESG goals, but to operationalize and achieve them.

This new product release comes on the heels of the World Economic Forum (WEF) publishing its final recommendations for ESG metrics to catalyze greater alignment and synergy around existing standards. These recommendations are the result of global business leaders collaborating to better define ESG, and they have become the first globally recognized set of ESG standards in the world.

“While ESG continues to rise in importance, the steps that organizations can take to achieve their goals remain less clear. Although the intent is often there, this ambiguity around how to take action continues to impede real progress,” said Brian Stafford, CEO of Diligent. “Diligent is committed to being a catalyst for ESG. With our new offering, we are providing organizations with a clear way to activate their commitments and make tangible progress towards long-term ESG goals—with technology that does not exist elsewhere. Our solutions make ESG easier for organizations to measure and execute on.”

Diligent’s ESG solution set helps organizations comply with the new standards and regulations, monitor relevant news and trends, and measure their reputation against industry peers. As part of this launch, Diligent updated its risk, compliance, and news intelligence offerings to incorporate the WEF’s ESG metrics, making it the first product in its class to do so. Organizations now have access to a library of standards and regulatory obligations for measuring, tracking, and improving progress towards their ESG goals. The solution set also enables organizations to access board effectiveness scores and executive compensation models to recognize potential discrepancies in diversity, governance, and executive pay.

Dedicated to ESG efforts on all fronts, Diligent is hosting its second webinar focused on stakeholder capitalism on October 7, with participation from WEF, Bank of America, and EY. Diligent’s first webinar on the topic took place in June, garnering more than 5,000 registrants.

For more information on Diligent’s ESG solution, visit

About Diligent Corporation
Diligent Corporation is the pioneer of modern governance, empowering leaders to turn effective governance into a competitive advantage. Leveraging unparalleled insights from a team of industry innovators, as well as highly secure, integrated SaaS technologies, Diligent’s industry-leading suite of solutions changes how work gets done at the executive and board levels. Leaders rely on Diligent to drive accountability and transparency, while addressing stakeholder and shareholder priorities. Its applications also help streamline the day-to-day work of board management and committees, and support collaboration and secure information sharing. Designed for both public and private sector organizations, Diligent is helping to usher in a new era of modern governance.

The largest global network of directors and executives, Diligent is relied on by 19,000 organizations and nearly 700,000 leaders in more than 90 countries. With an eye towards inclusivity and accessibility, Diligent serves some of the largest public governing bodies, including more than 50% of the Fortune 1000, 70% of the FTSE 100, and 65% of the ASX.

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Michael Padovano

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